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I scoff as Bruce gathers the Bat Family together for an impromptu meeting. It was five in the evening and the Joker was impressed with the stunt we pulled the other night.

My wounds have healed almost overnight because Tim finally decided to let us into his room for once; he calls it 'Drake's Dollhouse' because he controls everything that happens in there and whatnot, and test out a new thingamajig he built, specifically for tissue replacement. I'm telling you I walk just fine now and the new "tissue" feels so real, so I stopped sleeping in Bruce's room and went back to my own. He wasn't too excited about it, to be honest. "Wait till I build something else and then you can come into my room again," Tim jokes. "See, no time for girls, Bruce."

"Let's just kick his ass." Dick says, his arm wrapped around Barbie's shoulder. I don't know if I'll ever get used to my little brother dating. Before me, though?

"Not so fast, Grayson," Bruce tuts. "We gotta know what's his deal. What's his MO. Why he wants to see us again." Just then, his phone pings.

"I guess we know now, don't we?" says Tim, who is the tech-savvy member besides Bruce. He can tap into our phones, any one of us. He does it to Bruce's specially for this Joker beef.

"What'd it say?" I ask, my fingers twiddling with each other.

"Come back, with the new girl this time." Bruce reads off the text. Joker wants me.

"So he wants me." I say, and before I could even finish the sentence, Bruce spoke again.

"You know we'll protect you," he defends. "I'm not gonna let Joker take you again. He's done it once with his bullets, I've learned my lesson."

"Yeah, you're not going anywhere, Nex. We got you," Jason says, slamming the table with his fist. "Let's get this son of a bitch already."

"Alright, everyone. Suit up. We leave in fifteen."

"Back at the Iceberg Lounge, sneaking low, punching boys and I'm homebound." Tim sings the tune to that Vanessa Carlton song.

"Shut up, Robin." Helena shushes, elbowing Tim in the ribs.

"He's here." Bruce says, fading away into the shadows. The rest of us do the same.

"Batsy!" Joker shouts. "Did you bring her? The new girl?" Can he stop calling me the 'new girl'? I've been here as long as Dick. "C'mon, Batsy, show yourself. Let me meet the girl. She really got my Harley good."

At this point, I've had enough. I run to the edge of the roof, jumping off since it isn't too high of a leap. "Razer, no!" I hear Bruce yell and try to pull me back; I felt his hand on my arm.

"Come get some, Mister J." I taunt, hearing more feet land on the ground the same time I lunge out to attack Joker.

"Get a hold of him!" Bruce yells from behind me. The only way I can do that is if I have him in a chokehold, so I did.

"What's your name, darling?" Joker asks, his voice strained as my arms wrap around his neck and head.

"Razer Blade." My voice, which has always had a little rasp, became super raspy tonight. I didn't expect it, but I don't hate it.

Before Joker could answer, Bruce has his feet lodged into his ribcage. Helena, Jason, Tim and Barbie have the Joker's many bodyguards all down and unconscious. Dick is standing there with me and Bruce, leaving unnecessary but painful hits to his legs with his escrima sticks.

After a couple more hand-to-hand combat with more of Joker's men, Bruce is done, as he looks at the beautiful scene he made with the Bat Family. "Let's go." Bruce rasps.

"Wait," I say, my eyes still on Joker who was all tired out laying on the dirt floor. "I'm not done yet." I pull out my gun, aiming for both his legs and his shoulder. Three shots were sounded in the air.

"You take away my legs," I start. "I take away yours. Tit for tat. Fuck you." I flip my gun in my fingers and walk away, Bruce's hand making its way around my waist.

"Such a badass woman." Bruce mutters under his breath.

"I heard that." I smirk.

It was the next morning. Gosh, this headache is killing me. I try to look for some ibuprofen on my nightstand; well, looking to see if I had any left, when I see a note left on my bedside table.

i just know you're gonna need this in the morning.
x bruce

It's a box of ibuprofen, ten tabs inside. Gosh, how does one individual know me so well? Then, someone knocks on my door. I check the time, trying to deduce who it is. 7:45am, it must be Alfred.

"Come in!" I shout.

"Why, good morning, Miss Grayson," Alfred says, limping in with a trolley full of food. "Figured I'd have to wake you this morning."

"Morning, Alfred," I smile, just so happy to see him so lively even this early in the morning. "The whiplash from last night was killing me."

"Bit of a tired night last night, haven't we?" He hums. "I've got eggs and bacon, and a glass of water in case you need to take some painkillers."

"Thank you for all this," I smile. "But I know you don't cook. So who made all this?"

"Mr. Wayne did. Well, he didn't do it all alone. I figured he woke Mr. Grayson up for directions." Alfred smiles.

"Mr. Grayson got all angry, didn't he?" It's not the first time someone's woke Dick up for directions on how to cook the perfect breakfast. Dick's a chef of his own, and now a chef to the Bat Family.

"Indeed he did." Alfred chuckles.

"Can I ask, who left here, this box of ibuprofen? Was it you?"

"No, ma'am," Alfred shakes his head. "It was Mr. Wayne himself. I asked him what he was doing in your bedroom for, and he said he was just leaving a gift."

I almost smile to myself, but bit my lip to stop it. "Oh, that's very nice of him, isn't it?"

Alfred smiles and nods. "Well, I'll leave you to it. Once you're done, you can leave the trolley outside. I'll pick it up along the way."

"Thanks again, Alfred." I say, starting to dig into the food.

"It's no problem at all, Miss Grayson." He smiles, before disappearing behind my door.

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