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Tim repeats Dick's text message on the group chat, confused. "Who the fuck is it? Do we know this person?"

Jason shrugs, Barbie looks like she's thinking, Selina's scrolling through Instagram, Helena fell asleep on Bruce's bed, Bruce is in the shower and I'm brushing my teeth.

"Let's go downstairs with an open mind, guys," I suggest after spitting out my toothpaste. "Maybe this person could be a new Bat Family member."

"Nope," Jason shoots. "There's enough of us."

"We could always have more," Selina argues. "The more heads, the better." She glares.

"Lena?" Tim shakes. "Helena, bro. Stop drooling on Bruce's bed and wake up." Helena shakes, rubbing her eyes as she mumbles something none of us can understand.

"Let's go meet this person, guys." Barbie smiles.

"You guys go ahead. I'll wait for Bruce." They leave Bruce's bedroom, leaving me alone on his bed.

"This is my sister, Nexa." Dick introduces.

"Hi, I'm Gar. Well- Garfield," the green-haired boy grins, his hand extended for me to connect mine with his. "You can just call me Gar."

"Nexa. Dick's sister," I smile. He's cute... I think. He looks nice. "You must be Dick's Titan friend. How old are you?"

"Uh, 24." Gar nods.

"Same." I say excitedly, a hopeful glimmer in my eye.

I guess Bruce realised because I could feel he started to feel uneasy. He shoves me aside slightly and extended his hand out to Gar. "Bruce Wayne."

"Yeah," he breathes out. Oh, Gar is in full fanboy mode. "I know you are. It's incredible to meet you." Gar had the biggest grin on his face. Bruce just had a suspicious look on.

"Okay, so," Dick says awkwardly. "I want to tell you guys that I think I want Gar to join us. He'd be a great addition to the Bat Family."

Barbie, as usual, loves when new people join the group. "Awe, yes! Totally," she squeals. "You guys won't believe what he can do! Show 'em, Gar!"

"I think we have enough people on our team, Dick." Bruce tenses. Dick and Barbie's faces fall. Gar's head hangs low. Okay, time for mom Nexa to activate.

"Come on, Bruce. Give the kid a chance. You don't even know what he can do," My hand connects with Bruce's tricep. He knows he can't resist me; not now, not ever. "C'mon, Gar," I gesture at Gar with a wave of my hand. "If they don't want to see what you can do, I do."

Gar can shape-shift into a green fuckin' tiger. That has got to be the coolest thing I've ever seen. Also, I have never seen Bruce this terrified of something ever. He was screaming Get that creature away from me! and it was one of the funniest things I've ever had a laugh at.

"Great job, Gar. Not many things could terrify Bruce Wayne. You're one of the four on the list," I wink at Gar who, again, just had the biggest smile on his face. "And I definitely think you'd be great with the Bat Family."

"Nope, absolutely not!" Fear was still laced in Bruce's voice. His hands were trembling. "I'm not gonna have Tiger Boy over here be a part of us. Nope." Bruce shakes, wiping the sweat off his forehead.

I look back at Gar whose smile dropped. "Hey, you don't have to worry. I'll convince him," I smile. "Welcome to the team, buddy. You're gonna have a lot of fun with us." Selina, Barbie and Helena, who each had grins on their faces nod.

"Actually, sir, it's Beast Boy." Gar corrects Bruce, which made him lunge over. I managed to block Gar from Bruce's close blow to the jaw. He stopped once I appeared in front of him.

"You wouldn't dare to hit me, would you?" I tease, which agitated him for a while. Then, my brain drifts to the question of where he'd be sleeping tonight. "Girls, don't you have an extra bedroom?"

"Oh. Well, it's for you." Helena reassures.

"It's Gar's now," I decide. Then, I see Dory, who just happened to walk past the training room. I call out to her. "Hey, Dory! Can you please help me tidy up the empty bedroom on North Tower? We've got a guest," Dory nods and rushes off. "Y'all don't mind if Gar stays in your Tower, do you?" I ask the girls, both my hands on Gar's shoulders.

"Not at all!"


"We need a dude living in the Tower with us." Barbie, Selina and Helena answer.

"Great," I smile. "Gar, these will be your Tower-mates. Barbie, Selina and Helena."

"Awesome," Gar rubs his hands together. "Hey, guys. Y'all are cool."

"Awe, thanks!" Barbie preens. Helena nods her head up and Selina clasps her hands together.

"Breakfast will be at nine tomorrow. Try not to be late, you don't want the Bat to come knocking on your door," I nudge my elbow in Bruce's direction. "If you need anything, I'm just right by you in the next Tower on your right. Our doors have our initials on them so you don't get confused. Anything, just come knockin'."

"But she's staying with me tonight, so." Bruce shrugs sarcastically. I hit his shoulder right after that, hearing Jason and Tim snicker to themselves.

Gar looks between Dick and I confused. "Oh, she's with Bruce. Yeah, they're kinda a package deal now." Dick shrugs.

Bruce and I slowly watch as Gar's expression turns from confused to thrilled. "Awesome! So you're like... Mrs. Vengeance?" Gar questions, his visage animated.


"Yes," Bruce cuts in. "That's exactly who she is. Mrs. Vengeance."

I glare. "Right now, it's kinda just Miss Vengeance." I chuckle nervously.

"Hey, still cool, though." Gar says coolly. I can tell Gar Logan is about to be my new best friend in the house. Sorry, Selina.

"Can't believe you let the feline stay here," Bruce sat at his side of the bed, sulking at me. "He attacked me, Nexa!"

"God, now you're just sounding like those whiny 16-year-olds who think their life sucks." I joke. Bruce gives me that look, that 'Apologize' look. I glare at him jokingly and walk out of the bedroom.

I walk to the North Tower and knock on the door that still had N.G II engraved on the doorknob. "Gar? It's Nexa. You wanna go out for a drive?"

Gar opens the door, grinning. "Sure! It'd be great to get to know the Razer Blade. I mean, you were the talk of San Fran' at one point because you appeared with the Batman." He chuckles.

"Hmm," I hum. "I want to know more."

We both laugh and leave the North Tower to the garage.

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