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the voice says from outside of my bedroom, leaving knocks here and there.

"It's unlocked." I call out from the bathroom. I hear the door click open, then footsteps, then the door shutting.

"You got the ibuprofen?" He asks, entering the bathroom.

"I did, thanks," I smile through the mirror. Bruce's hair was still dripping wet, and he was clad in all black; black tee, black denim jacket, black jeans. A pop of colour was distracting me from his raven appearance; white Converses. "Love your outfit."

"Thanks," he scoffs. "It's Barbara's birthday, so I figured why not dress up?" He shrugs.

"I see that," I chuckle. "We're kinda matching today." I was comfy in my black cropped tee, black ripped high-waisted jeans and white Air Jordans. My hair was blow-dried and put up in a ponytail.

"You got hurt." Bruce mumbles.

"I'm sorry?" I say.

"You got hurt last night." He repeats. I realise what he was referring to. My bruises from last night were peeking out from under my shirt and Bruce noticed.

"It's nothing, really," I shrug it off. "It doesn't even hurt anymore."

"You taken the ibuprofen already?" He asks again, stepping closer to get a better look at the bruises.

"Yeah," I feel Bruce's hand run over my bruises which made my skin tingle. Immediately, I take both his hands and hold it tight. "You don't have to worry about me. Today's about Barb, and Barb only. Can you do that?"

"I can try-" Bruce wouldn't look at me.

"Hey," His hands fall on my waist before he starts to sway us, trying to take his mind off the fact. "Calm down. It doesn't hurt anymore. It's not your fault. Now can we just go down and hang out with everybody?"

It takes Bruce a while to collect and tell himself it's not his fault I got hurt. "Yeah, let's do that."

"Okay, Bruce and Nexa!" Selina cheers. "Coming down together and whatnot."

"From the South Tower too!" Helena adds.

"Are you guys matching too?" Jason points out.

"He greeted me at my door!" I gush jokingly, noticing Dick is eyeing Bruce like crazy. "Dick Grayson."

Dick's head snaps at my direction as soon as he hears his full name being called. I mouth 'quit it' and he mouths back a 'fine'.

"Can we open gifts, please?" Barbie begs, the biggest smile on her face.

"Let me start first," Helena says, reaching for her gift. "Happy birthday, Barb." She smiles.

Helena watches Barbie open the party bag filled with brand new liquid lipsticks. "You remembered!" Barbie squeals.

"Of course!" Helena preens. "I remember every single thing we talk about."

"What are these?" Dick picks up a liquid lipstick and turns it around curiously.

"Hand me that," My arm reaches out, grabbing the component from Dick's grip. I twist the cap open and gesture for him to come closer to me. The shade name is Nightfall; close to Nightwing. Perfect. I apply the dark brown liquid on his lips. "Awe, Dick, you look gorgeous!"

Barbie marvels at the beauty of her boyfriend. "You are so beautiful." she jokes.

"I need a pic of this," Jason mutters, pulling out his phone. "Barb, pose with him." Barbie gets closer to Dick, his face in her hand and doing the kissy face.

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