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I ask Bruce, who was in the Batsuit as he opens the front passenger door of the Batmobile. "We're riding in the Batmobile? I don't have my suit, though."

"Doesn't matter," Bruce chides, pushing me into the convertible. As soon as he gets in, he leans over the front compartment towards me, his cowled face inches away from mine. "You're going to meet the League."

"Wait, the Justice League? Like, your Justice League?" I say in shock. "Good joke, Bruce." I laugh nervously.

"I'm not joking." Bruce answers matter-of-factly.

"What?" I say, hyperventilation starting to take over my system. "Kal-El, Diana Prince... Hal Jordan, Arthur Curry. Woah."

"Allen too." Bruce adds.

"The Flash?!" I say, my hand flying up to my mouth. "Bruce, you have to turn back! Fuck this," Bruce is laughing while I'm panicking. "Bruce, it's not funny," I go and reach for the AC knob when I realise... this isn't the Lamborghini. It's the goddamn Batmobile so why would there be AC? "There's no AC in here, for fuck's sake!"

"Relax, Nexa. They're humans too-" Bruce began before I interrupt him.

"Humans? Excuse me, but Kal-El came from another planet, Diana Prince is literally 5000 years old, Barry Allen got struck by lightning, Arthur Curry is a merman and Hal Jordan accepted a ring given to him by a freaking dying alien. I'm starting to think you're not human too. Oh, God, is my boyfriend an alien?" I hyperventilate.

"Well, it's too bad. You fell in love with me already. No backsies," Bruce has an amused look on his face. "We're here."

Before I could even protest the fact, Bruce gives me an earpiece and nags at me to put it in my ear. "Grab my hand, Nex." I wouldn't. I just wouldn't. I'm about to meet the Justice League. Eventually, Bruce just grabs my hand and says "Hall."

Bruce and I were transported to this gorgeous hall, and in the corner stood a woman and a guy clad in green. The woman eventually turned her body after hearing the ruckus behind her. "The Bat's here," she said. "And I see he's brought a civilian." The woman who was dressed in red and gold and a lasso hooked to her waist glares towards Bruce and I.

"Diana Prince." I mumble.

"Hello to you too, Diana," Bruce replied, rolling his black painted eyes. The guy in green turns his chair and stands up, facing us. "That's Hal Jordan."

"Yo, don't tell a civilian my name, for fuck's sake!" Hal turns to face the opposite direction, trying to conceal his identity.

"A civilian?" A flash of lightning came through the roof.

"Barry." Bruce greets.

"Flash." I mumble a second time.

"Clark, look! Civilian knows my name! Hi, I'm Flash, it's nice to meet you!" Barry Allen was inches away from me when Bruce pushes me behind his broad body.

"Civilian?" says the man with curly hair and a red cape. "I thought we weren't allowed to bring-" the man pauses when he sees me peek out of Bruce's back. "Nexa Grayson, is that you?"

"Clark Kent?" I say, in amazement. "You're Superman?"

"Well, you were never supposed to know that," He scoffs in embarrassment. "And you are no civilian. You're Kara's friend."

"You know Kara Danvers?" Barry asks.

"Yeah," I smile. "I know who you guys are too. Barry Allen," I point at Barry. "You're Diana Prince... Hal Jordan... and my good friend from Metropolis, Clark."

"How'd you know Bruce Wayne?" Clark asks, looking very interested.

"My brother's Nightwing." I nod.

"Dick Grayson's older sister!" Hal Jordan speaks. "He speaks highly of you, Finnexa Grayson." He smiles.

"Why'd you bring her here, Bruce?" Diana glares.

"I thought I'd introduce her to you all because she's the newest addition to the Bat Family," Bruce explains. "And she's my girlfriend."

"What?" Barry is amused. "You? Girlfriend? Very funny, Bruce."

"Well, we haven't said the words yet. We're just trying it out." I explain further.

"Dick is so mad right now, I can feel it." Hal chuckles.

"He is, that's why I took her here." Bruce says. Hal begins to laugh and bug Diana, telling her his gut never lies.

"And what makes you think you're good enough for her, Bruce?" Clark challenges. Well, okay, here goes.

We had history together, Clark and I. Before Gotham City became my permanent home, I lived in National City and I was Kara Danvers' roommate. What is the relation between Kara and Clark, you ask? They're cousins. Kara thought it'd be a good idea if she'd set me up with her nerdy reporter cousin Clark Kent. So I did; I went on a date with Kara's nerdy reporter cousin. I'd never thought I'd see a future with him at that moment, but after a few more dates, I did.

Clark was wayyyyy before Rick. I was young, so was Clark, or so I thought.

"I'm good enough for her because she chose me, Clark." Bruce obviously knows about my history with Clark. Who doesn't? Superman saved me from a near-death experience. I'm telling you, the glasses these El kids wore really hid everything about their real identities. Superman saving me was also around the time when the Justice League was first formed. It was all over the news then.

"Well, maybe if she knew what you do to people, she wouldn't have," Clark argues. "You're a self-centered, arrogant piece of shit, Bruce."

"No, he's not," I speak up. "If he was, I would've moved out of Wayne Manor a long time ago." And I wasn't lying. If I had known Gotham's beloved prince was an asshole, I would've dragged my brother with me back to National City long ago. "Also, I know what he does, Clark. I do it with him every night."

"Wait, she freeloads off you, Bruce?" Diana confronts. "The real Bruce Wayne would never do that-"

"The real Bruce Wayne..." I start again. "Is none of your business, ma'am. You don't know how he is in real life."

"Damn, she's feisty, Bruce. Got yourself a good one, I bet," Hal says as he stands rooted to the ground in terror of me. "I won't piss you off, woman, I swear." He smiles sheepishly.

"Anyone else want to get somethin' off their chest about Bruce and I?" I threaten.

Barry scoffs. "I know better not to," he smirks. "I like you, Nexa Grayson."

"Did you know her brother is just like her?! I love it." Hal gushes.

"Combat skills," Diana's voice was booming loud. "Are you good at it?"

"I don't have my suit, but sure." I shrug. I was wearing a sports bra underneath my leather jacket and tights. Diana steps forward, a few feet away from me as she gets into a fighting stance. She releases a punch, only for me to dodge it completely. I go around her, preparing for an armbar when her fist connects with my jaw for a split second. I shake my head, releasing the tension on my jaw when my leg raises and connects with her skull. Groans were heard coming from the guys as I prepare myself again for an armbar, connecting with Diana as I pin her to the ground.

"Don't be a diva, ma'am. It's embarrassing." I scoff, letting go and stepping back.

"You weren't going to stop her, Bruce?" Diana complains through gritted teeth.

"I was debating on it, but then I realise it isn't about me. It's about you," he explains. "It's just about time your ego is put down by another woman." Bruce shrugs in the end, pissing Diana off even more.

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