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I WAS WRAPPED UP TIGHT in Bruce's arms in bed when I hear knocks on the door. I wanted to get up but Bruce pulled me back down. "It's Alfred. He has the key to my bedroom and he knows, it's fine." he mumbled.

The person behind the door still kept on knocking. "It's not Alfred, Bruce." Bruce kept quiet, until after a few seconds, I hear him go back to his light snoring. I tear his arms away from my body and get up. I walk to the doorway and open the door, seeing Dick's disheveled morning face.

"Dick," I breathe. "Shit, I-"

"I'm not here to yell at you, Nex," his deep voice breathes out. "Can we talk inside? Barb doesn't know about this, I'd like to keep it that way."

"Y-Yeah, sure," I open the door wider so Dick could enter. "Bruce is sleeping so you might wanna keep it down a little." I warn.

"Listen," he says, finding his place on one of Bruce's lavish armchairs. "I talked to Barb last night about things and... I hate this, Nexa."

"Hate what?" I say, running my hand through my messy hair.

"This. Us, not talking. It fuckin' sucks, man," I keep quiet, not knowing what to say. "You don't have to say anything. Just let me explain myself."

I nod, gesturing to him that the floor is his. "Okay. I never should've said anything about whatever you and him got going on. I was supposed to be happy for you, yet... I wasn't. And I'm forever sorry. Barb told me about your guys' CC trip and how you were like with him when I wasn't there. I'm sorry I couldn't be more open-minded for you when you were for me."

At this point, Bruce was already awake, listening in to our conversation. I know, but Dick doesn't. I didn't want him to feel shy with confessing his feelings, so I kept quiet about it.

"I'm so sorry, Nexa." Dick presses.

"Does this mean...?" I trail off.

"Yes," Bruce finally speaks. Dick's head turns to the direction of his voice. "Right?"

"R-Right," He tries to smile sincerely. "I want you to feel indifferent together when you're around me. If you hide, it doesn't go away."

I scoff. "Are you quoting Little Dark Age?"

"Yeah, kind of." Dick smiles; so does Bruce.

"Glad to have my brother back."

"Glad to have the best sister back."

A few days ago, Dick and I resolved our shit. Now, we're closer than ever. "Another fundraiser party? You're joking?" Dick whines at breakfast.

"Dude, stop complaining. You've got a date; Tim and I don't." Jason glares.

"One of you can take Selina since Helena's out of town." I suggest. Bruce nods along and Selina shrugs. Barbie and Dick are laughing in the corner, I assume at the sight of either Tim or Jason next to Selina at the party.

"Selina, why don't you do the honor of choosing your date tonight?" Bruce chuckles.

"I choose..." Selina skims her eyes through Tim and Jason, before eventually turning to me. "Nexa."

"Uh," Bruce says. "N-no, she's... my date."

"Oh, come on, Bruce. You have her 24/7. Let a girl have her tonight," Selina teases. Bruce's face crumples up, as if thinking whether he'd be willing to let me go for the night. "Pleeeease."

Bruce finally huffs in defeat. "Fine. You better take care of my girl."

"Yay," Selina gushes. Then, she bows in front of me, holding her hand out. "Miss Grayson."

I do the same. "Miss Kyle."

Fortunately for Dick, this fundraiser party is pretty fun. He's not even drunk yet so that's a plus point. Selina and I were hiding away from the civilization in the ballroom, which is mainly the dance floor. We sat at the farthest table in the corner of the room as I see Bruce talking to this bald guy. Probably another rich man.

"Who's Bruce talking to?" I ask Selina.

"Hmm," Selina hums. "That's Lex Luthor, from Metropolis. Don't feel obligated to like him. He's a butt."

"Luthor?" Then, I remember my friend Kara from National City. Remember, Clark's cousin? She has a friend named Lena Luthor. He must be Lena's brother. I've met Lena a few times back when I used to live with Kara. I bet she is nicer than Lex. Bruce then turns to Selina and I's direction and gestures me to come over.

"Good luck, Nex," Selina warns. "Luthor's a flirt." I wince in reply. Shit. Will Bruce let Lex discreetly hit on me?

"Stay close, please." I beg Selina.

She nods. "I will, I need a refill anyways." Selina and I walk hand in hand before we separate from each other; Selina to the bar and me towards Bruce and Luthor.

"Lex, meet Nexa, my foster son, Dick's sister." Bruce smiles, his arm snaking around my waist.

"What is she, your girlfriend, Bruce?" Lex had the dirtiest smirk on his face.

"Yes, actually," Bruce brags. "I didn't adopt her, though. She and Dick are a package deal."

"Hi. I know your sister." I say blankly with a fake smile on my face.

"Ugh, Lena," Lex spits. "Never thought she'd be the famous sibling."

"He and Lena are... not the greatest right now." Bruce gestures a 'lay off that topic' move with his hand. Selina has been eyeing me ever since she up and left for the bar. I did our secret help gesture with my hand; the middle finger and immediately, Selina struts over towards us.

"Hey, Bruce, can I steal Nexa? I want her to try this new tequila that just came into Gotham. It's so good-" she pauses after making eye contact with Lex. "Oh, hey, Lex. It's been a long time." Her smile was fake too.

"Selina Kyle." Lex says blankly.

"Yeah, sure," Bruce nods. "I'll see you later?"

"You will." I smile before walking away, my hand in Selina's.

"Jesus," I huff out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Man is crazy intimidating."

"Tell me about it," Selina scoffs. "Oh, look, your overprotective brother's coming over."

"Nexa," Dick walks over, looking pressed and I don't know why. "You talked to Lex Luthor?"

"Barely." My eyes widen for a little.

"I pulled her away, don't worry." Selina brushes it off.

"Good. Stay away from him. He's bad news." Dick warns before walking back to Barb who was standing in the other corner of the ballroom. Oh, yeah, don't worry, Dick. The last thing I wanna do is be at least ten feet away from Lex Luthor.

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