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Bruce says as we leave the Hall, driving back home.

"Do what? Defend your honor?" I say. "Everyone deserves to be defended at least once. You're not an exception just because you're the Batman, Bruce."

"I've never had anyone stand up for my name before," Bruce speaks after a moment of silence. "You're the first to do it."

"It won't be your last as long as you're stuck with me, Wayne." I smile.

"Thank you, Nexa," he beams. "Thank you... for getting beat up by Wonder Woman for me."

"Fuck you, man." I hit him in the bicep as we laugh it off. I think I'm happier than ever.

"You don't want to stay with me tonight?" Bruce asks as he sees me press the button to the West Tower elevator.

"We're not real yet, Bruce." I say matter-of-factly.

"Who cares?" Bruce shrugs. "Come with me tonight."


"No, I don't care if we're real or not. You are going to bed with me, Grayson. End of story." Bruce argues.

"The elevator is here, though." I point at it as the doors slide open.

"You're coming with me, kid." Bruce points at the spot next to him. I groan, walking to that spot.

I woke up, again in an unfamiliar bed. Then, once my hippocampus restarts, I realise I went to bed with Bruce last night, providing the fuel to Dick's fire if he ever finds me in here.

Bruce wasn't next to me when I awoke. That was until I heard water running in the bathroom. I tear the silk covers off my legs, walking into the bathroom and staring at myself in the mirror at the clothes I'm wearing. One of Bruce's many black hoodies and his basketball shorts. Why does a multi-billionaire own basketball shorts when they don't play ball in the first place?

"In the shower?" I call out, running my hair through my unkempt light brown mane.

"Mhm," Bruce hums back. "Wanna join?"

"I'll skip," I say as my stomach begins to grumble. "I'm hungry."

"I'll be down in a second," Bruce says, his head peeking out of the fogged shower door. "You sure you don't wanna join me?"

"Maybe tonight, we'll see." I smile, walking out of the bathroom and Bruce's bedroom. Then, I remember Dick. Imagine how infuriated he'll be if he sees me sneaking out of Bruce's bedroom at nine in the morning. I don't risk going down to the dining floor through the South elevator, so I dash to the West Tower.

Jason walks out at the same time I cross his bedroom. I had to stop in an abrupt manner, landing on my ass. "Jesus, Nexa!" he shouts, his hand stretched out for me. I took it. "You scared the shit out of me! And I just took one."

"Jason!" I whisper-shout. "Where's Dick?"

"He already went to school. He has an early class today. Why are you whispering?" Jason cringes.

"I thought he was home." I talk in my normal voice.

"You came from Bruce's, didn't you?" He has this smug smile on his face. "It's a'ight, I'm not an asshole. I won't snitch on you."

My finger juts out at Jason's mouth. "You better not."

"I won't," his hands come up in a surrender position. "Wouldn't wanna get my ass kicked by the Razer Blade. Clean yourself up, Barb cooked." That is the best news I've heard this morning, besides Dick having an early class. Everyone in the Manor already knows about Bruce and I and how we're trying this thing out, obviously except Dick. I'm surprised Barbie hasn't snitched on me.

Me and Bruce aside, Barbie has got to be one of the best chefs in the house; besides Dick, of course. She makes the best garden salads, it's cray.

I wash up and come downstairs to see Bruce already beginning to start eating his breakfast. "I wanted to wait for you." he said, raising his fork.

"No, it's fine. Knock yourself out," I smile before taking a bowl full of my own. "Morning, Barb."

"Hi, Nexie!" Barbie smiles. "Heard anything from Dick?"

I shook my head with an apologetic grin on my face. I find a seat next to Bruce as Barbie mutters an apology. I shake it off as Tim starts up a conversation.

"So, I'm planning to get a new car since I just sold mine off," he starts. "What should I get?"

"What brand are you feeling?" Jason asks.

"The Ford Raptors are lookin' great right now." I recommend.

"You should get a Bronco!" Barbie gushes. "I mean, since you kinda know how to drive stick shift. I wanna learn so badly."

"Bronco's are high maintenance, Barb. I want something I wouldn't care about washing every two weeks." Tim explains.

"Get a BMW." Bruce shrugs.

"Oh, yeah! You said you're liking the new i8's that dropped. Why don't you get that one?" Jason says.

"I don't print money, Jace," Tim snaps. "Also I don't got enough money saved for one." He shrugs, his head hangs towards his salad.

"Then I'll pay whatever you lack." Bruce says in a way where he doesn't look up at Tim at all. His attention was on scarfing down his salad.

"What?" Tim asks again.

"I'll pay the leftovers," Bruce repeats. "You're fine. Go get that i8. There's a BMW dealership in Central City, we'll head there before lunch."

"Wait, Bruce," Tim is in disbelief. A smile spread across my face looking at the dynamic between Bruce and Tim; one just wanted to finish his breakfast and the other just wants confirmation. "Tell me you're fucking with me. We are not going to Central City... to buy my car."

Bruce finally looks up. "We are." he says, getting up to go wash his bowl.

"Leave it there, Bruce, I got it." Barbie smiles.

"I'm not an asshole, Barb," Bruce swipes Barbie's offer away. "Hurry up and eat, then we'll all get in the SUV to Central City."

Tim is still in major shock. Usually, Bruce never offers to pay for anything we wanted. That time, I bought my Camaro, I didn't have enough money to pay for one yet and he barely even said a word. "You know, he never offered to pay for what I lacked when I bought my Camaro." I lean forward and shrug.

"Damn..." Tim breathes. "I'm getting a car."

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