Chapter 10: "The Battle Within"

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Samantha: "Thomas!"

It shows Samantha walking in the city of Mistral looking for her friend after Tom disappears still not giving up Sam walked around and continued calling Tom's name. While for the Knight it shows Tom sitting on the top of a church building alone as it starts to rain on him. Feeling the raindrops hitting the bandage that was covering his face Tom look at his destroyed Stormtrooper helmet seeing the reflection of him.

Hear the thunder strike it shows a quick flash of him and his Grimm self behind him. Quickly turning around Tom was shocked to see his Grimm version standing before him.

Knight Tom: "You..."

Grimm Knight: "Yes me....."

The two then start walking in a circle looking at each other as the two were staring at each other.

Grimm Knight: "It seems that your Team up with the others didn't go so well hm?"

Knight Tom: "What do you want?"

Grimm Knight: "You are an amazing Knight me. You and I are not so different."

Knight Tom: "Because we are the same."

Grimm Knight: "Well to each his own I chose my path and you chose your path. By keeping all that secrets to yourself and I find that amusing for a while not telling your friend the whole truth of where you came from. But you act like a hero and there one thing about a hero is that the hero failed or died trying to stop what is coming.

You can't prevent what is coming from me you know that despite everything you've done trying to keep them back eventually they will come back. Why fight it?"

Knight Tom: " Because I thought it right.."

Grimm Knight: *Scoff* "You think it right...Do you think the other will come and help when you are facing me and their Grimm self no...You will be the last one standing as you us all... This is your warning me. *Shoot a web to a building* THINK ABOUT IT!" 

After hearing what the Grimm Knight said Tom watches his Grimm self swing off to the distance as Tom watches. Seeing his original is watching him the Grimm Knight smiled as he spoke up while swinging away. 

Grimm Knight: "Now to start Phase Two...."

Meanwhile in the safe house.

It shows the safe house empty as Jay, Flatcap, Cmonkey, Rubes, and Divine went their separate way as Alpha was in his garage working on his charger while tuning up the engine of the charger Oscar came into the safehouse wanting to talk to the group. But seeing the safe house empty Oscar then sees Alpha in the garage working on the charger.

Oscar: "Where is everyone?"

Alpha: "They went in their separate way."

Oscar: "Wait what do you mean? Why did you go in their separate way?"

Alpha: "Because I kicked Tom out of our group"

Seeing Alpha place down his tool he then sat down on the chair he have right next to him. Looking at Alpha Oscar began to think to himself not till Ozpin came talking to him.

Ozpin: 'May I take over a bit'

Oscar: 'Um sure."

Ozpin: "Hello Mr. Alpha"

Alpha: "Ozpin?"

Ozpin: "Yes tell me why did you kick Tom out of the group?"

Alpha: "Well it going to be a long story."


It shows Team NDGO walking around in market as Nebula was getting tired of walking around the market as she spoke up while walking with her team.

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