Chapter 11: "Last one Standing"

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Alpha: "We got to help Tom."

Cmonkey: "Well why are we standing around let go."

As before they could leave out of the safehouse the group felt an uneasy feeling in their guts as soon headed towards the door Ozpin then notice someone is staring at them from the window trying to get a clear look on the window Ozpin then see a spear coming to the window as he quick duck and yelled out.

Ozpin: "Watch out!"

Everyone heads to the floor as the spear crashed through the window and hit the floor, seeing the spear on the floor Alpha's eyes widen knowing what spear belongs to 

Alpha: "Oh no..."

Pyrrha: "Found you senpai..."

Cmonkey: "Oh you gotta be shitting me..."

Winter: "You got nowhere to go..."

Flatcap: "Well what do we do Ozpin?"

Ozpin: "Fight....."

Back to Tom

As the two Knights were falling Tom shot a web at his Grmm self bringing him closer not till counter kicked Tom in the face. As the two were still falling Tom quickly grabbed his M1911 out of his holster and fire three shots at the Grimm self which he dodge those shots but once seeing Tom about to shoot another one. The Grimm Knight then shot a web at Tom bring him closer as he punch him and then shot another web to his chest and kicked him to the ground as the Grimm Knight shot a web up to the building taking him back up to the hostage.

Struggling to get the black web off his chest Tom finally ripped it off as he tries to follow his Grimm self he shot a web up to the building not before hitting the ground and rolling over several times. Once hitting the ground Tom slowly got up from the floor he then look up to the girls who were tied and yelled up to them.

Tom: "Hang in there!"

After saying that Tom then suddenly fell to the floor as he sees two ropes on his feet. As he was being pulled Tom quickly grabbed his knife and begins cutting the rope once cutting the ropes off his feet. He quickly got up to his feet as Tom see Grimm Alpha and Flatcap looking at Tom as Grimm Alpha have an RPG on him. Aiming the Knight, Alpha then fires the rocket at Tom making him quickly roll out of the way as the rocket missed him by an inch after dodging the rocket Tom looks up to Team NDGO who were webbed up.

Tom then sees Gwen's webbing was ripping off as she screamed in fear as her Team screamed at their friend not wanting to see her die. Tom then yelled up to them as he was standing at the Mistral Police car.

Knight Tom: "I'm on my way!"

Grimm Flatcap then raised his M16A4 and started shooting at Tom seeing Flatcap shooting at him Tom quickly jumped shooting a web up to the building kicking Grimm Alpha and Flatcap away as more bullets were being shot at Tom. 

Tom was swinging towards them as Gwen looked down seeing the Knight coming to her rescue Tom quickly shoot more webs bringing him closer to them as he tries to reach her. But was suddenly kicked away as the Grimm Knight punch Tom inside the construction building Tom hit his head on the railing and to the floor. Getting up from the floor Tom then sees Grimm Alpha, Flatcap, and Cmonkey walking towards him as his Grimm self landed behind him as the four surrounded the Knight.

Knight Tom: "Well this is goings to be fun..."

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