Chapter 5

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                                                                                                                           Turtle P.O.V


  I let my tears drop onto the sand below me. 

  It was now known by every dragon that King Gill lost his mind and was killed. 

  King Gill was my father. 

  He was one of the two dragons in this world who actually loved me and the only dragon who knew that Anemone and I were born animuses. I heard anemone’s footsteps in the hall and I wiped my tears away. 

  “Hey.” Anemone said shakily. “Hey” I replied, fighting back tears. Now that Gill is dead Anemone is the only dragon that I care about and the only dragon that cares about me. She came up next to me and put her wing around me. 

  “Dad's death should not have happened. I could have stopped it.” I said, trying my hardest not to cry. Anemone looked at me and bonked me on the head “NO! It is not your fault and there was nothing you could do!” She shouted at me. I chuckled and rubbed my head where she hit me. “Anemone, you know me. No matter how hard I try I am going to blame myself.” I replied.  She shook her head and grabbed my talon. “Turtle, you need to stop that. If you want to do something you can try to make the thing they were fighting for come true.” Anemone said. “You sound like a mom.” I chuckled. Anemone chuckled as well and hit my shoulder playfully.

  “ANEMONE!” Coral shouted. We both turned our heads and saw Coral and two guards towering over us. “What have I told you about being around your brothers!? They are not like you, they are filthy slobs! They are uncivilized dragons and are lucky to even be related to you!” Coral spat at Anemone. I felt a rage burn in my chest. I wanted to hurt her so much. I didn’t care about what people called me but they DO NOT mess with my sister. 

  Anemone must have picked up on this and secretly wrapped her tail around mine. She looked at mom and said “You’re right. They are lucky to be related to me, but that means that I have to show them that they are still inferior.” Anemone replied. 

  I know she did not mean it but it still hurt a little. Coral’s face softened a bit and she grinned evilly. “Oh, is that why you were here? Well then you may continue, and you,” Coral pointed at me “Better accept it and stay away from her.” Coral growled. She walked away into the woods where the rest of the tribe was and her guards followed.

  I sighed and said sarcastically, “What a caring mother.” Anemone chucked and sighed. “Sorry you had to hear all of that.” Anemone said sorrowfully. “It’s fine, I’ve gotten used to it.” I replied. I put my wing around Anemone and we both stared at the beautiful morning sky. 

  “The news about dad must have almost reached the mud kingdom.” Anemone said. I nodded and tried to ignore the fact that dad was dead. 

  Then an idea struck me. 

  “Anemone I know this is crazy but what if we flew to the mud kingdom to learn more about our fathers death?” I asked. Anemone looked at me for a second but said, “Yes.” I grinned and we flew off. We would use our animus magic but Darkstalker has a spell that alerts him whenever an animus spell is cast. Anemone and I learned that the hard way. 

  It was when we were about two years old and our father was watching us fight. Mother did not care what happened to Anemone whenever father was with her. He was watching us roughhouse until Anemone said, “I wish this stupid sand would hit you in the face!” 

  Anemone agrees with me when I call her past self kinda vicious.  

  Then the sand hit me in the face. My dad tried to stop me but I said “And I wish that seaweed would wrap around your body!” Then seaweed came crawling out of the sea and wrapped around her.  She struggled but she slid out of the seaweed. But before we could do anything else our dad grabbed us both and hid us. Then in less than a second we heard a loud boom. I closed my eyes and stayed quiet. But I wanted to see what my father was hiding me from. I slowly peeked my eyes open and saw a normal-sized NightWing. But if it was just a normal NightWing, why were we hiding? If he was so deadly, why was Dad not fighting him? 

  But then he pulled out a scroll and wrote something then he disappeared. I looked at my dad and asked, “Who was that?” 

  “That was a monster, Turtle. That was Darkstalker.” 

  I blinked the memories away and noticed that we were close to the MudWing Kingdom. We landed onto the wet mushy ground and we sneaked towards a crowd of mudwings. 

  “They are gathering for a meeting.” Anemone whispered. I nodded and listened to what the Mudwing was saying. “A seawing has been spotted for the first time in two thousand years.” The Mudwing shouted. I felt an anger in my chest. We are not monsters or something that has haunted or cursed them. We are dragons just like them. I went back to listening and the dragon said, “But a Sandwing who will remain anonymous killed the Seawing and has been titled the Sandwing savior.” My heart was pounding. I felt sadness but then that sadness changed to rage.

  I swear on the moons that I will kill whoever the Sandwing savior is. I look at my sister and she has the same look. The mudwings disbanded and I said “ I am not going back home until I kill that Sandwing savior.” Anemone looked at me and said “ Neither will. He will suffer the pain of two animuses.” We smiled and we flew away towards the sandwing kingdom.

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