Chapter 9

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Kinkajou P.O.V

I just fought a dragon. TWICE MY SIZE! While yes he seemed a little distracted it doesn't change the fact that I,me, the great Kinkajou of the Rainwings, knocked out an Icewing twice my size. "Kinkajou!" Moon shouted. I immediately jumped ready to fight but it turns out there was no one there and she was just trying to get my attention. " Oh uh ya Moon?" I replied. " We have to go!" Moon said already in the air "Oh yeah coming!" I said I was still full of excitement. I took off to catch up with Moon and the others. I flew right next to moon and smiled at her. " I can't believe that worked." she said speaking to everyone. "Yeah how did you two get behind them?" Qibli asked. They were quite for a little before Turtle spoke up. " I have been quite and unnoticeable my whole life. Kinda like I wanted I just never thought it would actually be useful. So I just did what I do best. Not to mention they all seemed very focused on you Moon." That was true they were very focused on moon but so was I when I first met her. When I first met Moon she was very scared and was crying. I didn't trust her but she was just so lost. I helped her or well my friend Glory helped her more but I was a very good moral support. I even got her food sometimes. But we were friends for years and now we were on a mission to stop Darkstalker. I remember the prophecy moon had.

The world is on a path to break

Only a group six can cause that to change

When two of the moons are at it's Brightest

A mixture of a magic and a comet will show the world at it's fullest

The darkness will consume the world unless the tribes unite to stop the evil

It was.... A unique experience to say the least. But now we were on our way to try and see if the ice kingdom will join our cause even though we beat up their guards we don't want to hurt them really. They were going to hurt us so yeah. Icewings don't hold grudges though right? Well I guess we will have to wait and see. We flew for a few hours and I was getting tired Turtle and Anemone looked tired. Moon and Qibli might be tired they were ahead of everyone else talking to each other. In fact I don't think I have seen Moon have a grin that big before. "Ohhh some one is in love." is what I wanted to say so badly but if I spoke I think my lungs my collapse and I would die. I am so tired. "Hey Moon and Qibli." Anemone said. " Could we stop." She said in a very tired and annoying voice. This whole trip Anemone has just wined to everyone but Turtle. I know they are siblings but don't siblings take care or siblings. Why should we have to deal with that big crybaby's problems. The grin on moons face shrunk a little but she said " Yeah my wings are getting a little sore too we can land over there." She pointed towards the tall mountain the was drenched in snow. Only a little further. When we got there my body felt like some one had set my on fire, then dipped me in Rainwing venom, and left me to freeze in a frozen desert. I dragged myself into the cave everyone else was in. Anemone was already curled up in a ball trying to fall asleep. Moon and Qibli were still talking and turtle was laying on the other side of the cave look just as sore as I felt. I crawled over to the side of the cave that did not have anemone on it's side. Turtle noticed me and seemed to chuckle to himself. " What's so funny." I asked slightly offended. " I thought I felt sore you look like you flew around the entire world." He replied with a slight grin. " well I might as well have it's so cold here compared to the rain forest." I said. "Sore + cold = ultimate pain." Turtle nodded. " So is the ocean and the beach. They are much warmer than here." " Yeah so if you don't mind me asking you said you don't want to be notice by other dragons.Why?" " Well if people don't notice you or think much about you they can't blame you and they also probably won't hate you. It's better to watch whats going on then actually doing anything. I know a lot about all of you guys." His voice turned into a whisper " I know Moon and Qibli like each other,I know that Qibli was sold by his parents to live with Thorn,I know Moons father is one of Darkstalker friends." I was shocked so he knew so much. Well yay Moon and Qibli but at the same time oh no Moon and Qibli. "Wait. What do you know about me?" I asked. I was both nervous and exited and a tad scared but he won't know anything bad right. I haven't done anything bad right? " Well I don't mean for this to be rude but you kinda just tell everyone everything anyway. You like to rant about how cool you and your friends are. So I don't know any secret about you. I am sure you are full of them though." He explained. I felt both relived but a little hurt to. Do I really sound like that to other dragons? I yawned trying to move on and also I am really tired but I don't think I can sleep this cold. Wait maybe Moon oh wait no she fell asleep next to Qibli. I am totally going to make fun of her.....tomorrow. But It's to cold. The only other person to ask would be Turtle but then Moon would make fun of me. Well you know why it is totally not because I am trying to date him even though he is cool.... And muscular...and nice. just because he is warm right? I cleared my throat and got Turtle's attention. " So umm because it is super cold do you think that we can um....(I will not blush I will NOT BLUSH) sleep together?" I said like a creaking floorboard. He looked at me for a long second before he nodded. Wait did I just make him blush? It did not matter because he was very very very very warm. I curled next to his side and felt like mush. I could stay here forever. I closed my eyes and started to drift into sleep until somebody actually no STUPID ANEMONE got on top of me and Turtle and just layed there. Good thing Turtle put his wing around me because I would totally hurt her right now if I was not so tired and comfy. It took a little longer before I fully calmed down and fell asleep.

Third person

But while they were asleep an Icewing from the patrol was never knocked out he only pretended Prince Winter of the icewings was right side the cave they were in ready to kill.

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