Chapter 8

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Lynx P.O.V

I was terrified. I think everyone was actually. There was a Nightwing. A NIGHTWING! And they were flying towards us. I was also scared because I don't want to kill anyone but the queens orders are the queens orders. I hoped I wasn't the only one scared but Hailstorm had his eyes on the dragons ahead,Polar was emotionless as always, And Winter's handsome face was.... Angry?Scared? A bit of both? I wanted to check on him but we were getting close to the dragons. The Nightwing. I could not help but feel.....Cold.I took my eyes off the Nightwing and looked at the others. A Sandwing was not too shocking. A Rainwing! There was a Rainwing flying towards the ice kingdom!? But what shocked me even more was that there were two Seawings. Two Seawings and a Nightwing? But they hate each other. They fought in a war 2000 years ago. "Maybe I could ask?" I thought. No. No, we have to kill them no matter what business they are here for. Even if they might be the nicest dragons in the world. We were close now. We had been flying in the snowy parts so that they did not notice us. We thought they were going to fly towards us but instead they dove down and landed on the border where snow and sand mixed. Winter gave me a look of curiosity and dropped back to talk to me. " Why did they stop?" He asked. I sighed internally. Because I know everything about the random dragons who just showed up. I gave him a smile and said " I don't know and I don't know why you think I know. I know I am smart but I am not that smart." I explained. He gave me a look like something just clicked in his mind. " Oh...Sorry I guess I am just still tired." He said kinda staring into space. I chuckled. But then I remembered we have a bunch of dragons on our doormat right now. " Let's go meet these dragons." Polar said with a slight hiss in his voice. Hailstorm followed right after. I felt my heart pounding. I was so scared I wanted to fly back to the ice kingdom and sleep so I could forget this. Winter must have noticed because he grabbed my hand and looked me in my eyes. Winter had the prettiest eyes. " You don't have to come if you don't want to." He spoke softly. I smile. My heart felt like it slowed down a little. I felt safe. " No, I will follow you Winter." I replied. He smiled back and said " alright then we gotta go now if we want to catch up." He said. We dove down towards the snowier side of the border. We landed behind Polar and Hailstorm who were already there and were talking to the Dragons. " You should have never come here." Hailstorm said. Gripping his spear. The Sandwing looked ready to use his tail; the Rainwing was red instead of yellow and pink like earlier. The Seawings stood there with no emotion but the smaller blue one was holding a rock. Then there was the Nightwing. She had a face of fear. Why would a Nightwing be scared of us? I wondered." Listen I know our tribes hate each other but we don't have to fight. I am not like the other Nightwings." She said, Polar laughed. " You're funny, definitely not a smart nightwing are you?" He said. "Hey!" The Sandwing and Rainwing said at the same time. " You don't know anything about Moon, she is smart,and funny,and just..awesome." The Rainwing said. "Yeah what she said." The Sandwing said still ready to pounce at Hailstorm or Winter.Winter walked up beside his brother and looked at the Rainwing.

" Well you aren't like any Rainwing I have ever heard of." He said. She looked at him and stuck out her tongue. My heart started pounding again. Don't hurt Winter I prayed. Hopefully not anyone but if you had to pick one just not him please. The Nightwing looked scared like I was. Polar and Hailstorm had their teeth showing and were growling. Winter was staring down the Sandwing and the Rainwing the two Seawings were... Wait, where were they? Then a sudden pain shot down my head and everything went black. 

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