S2 Ep4: Up and ready to die...

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Y/N = Your Name
Y/MN = Your Mom's Name
Y/DN = Your Dad's Name

12/04/2032 3:46 P.M

In the span of three weeks I was healed and ready to go! We were ambushing a base and before you go "oh Auditor blah blah blah just get to the point" this one's different. This is the Nexus and gotta say, these guys have way more AND better security than Auditor's bases or warehouses. Currently right now I'm running on one of the bridges that leads to the lab of the info I need. "YOU CANNOT ESCAPE ME Y/N!" "FUCKIN' WATCH ME CYCLOPS!!" I yelled back. I heard him growl in anger and he probably commanded his henchmen to get lil ol' me.

"Phobos will get what he wants no matter the costs so give up while you can." One of the engineers spoke. "HAH! Like how he did when he and Auditor had abducted me and my partner but failed? Or how he sent his henchmen to escort me to the Nexus but FAILED?" I asked mockingly. "Watch your tongue girl." One of the riot guards said. "Haha! Make me.~" I said instantly jumping to one of the railing above me. I've been having some practice with the sniper and I have to say, it's my new favorite gun.

Time of recovery:

It's the second week of my recovery and I gotta say, I'm doing pretty good. 2B was right about the "don't make too many harsh movements" because they hurt like a bitch. It was right now 6:07 A.M and I got up to do my morning routine. Once I was done I put on my casual home clothes and went down stairs to get some breakfast. I had a simple breakfast like bread with jam spread and it was delicious. After I was done eating, I went up to the main room to check out the hacked cams in the Auditor's base.

Nothing seems to be happening and it's worrying, though I didn't really say anything. Unbeknownst to me a certain red goggled man was also in the meeting room with me. "Hey." I flinched hardcore and ended up hurting myself. "Jeez Hank, mind toning it down on creepy introductions?" I asked holding my stomach. "Whatever, what are you doing up so early?" He asked talking more than usual. "Seeing as I can't really do anything I might as well watch the cams but, you seem to speaking way more than usual." I said my suspicion raising.

"I realized you're not that much of a threat, congratulations, I like you. Now what's on the cam." He said with the most serious bored tone ever. "Okay... Well nothing really happened, haven't seen many agents which is, suspicious to say the least." I said looking at the holographic screen. "He's been quiet, too quiet, alongside Phobos." He replied very much sure that they're in our area. "If they were in our area you guys would've found out about it by now, right now there's something up." I said examining the screen more. "They're moving..." Hank said out of nowhere.

"Moving?" I asked confused. "Moving to a new base, he doesn't like staying at one specific building, he's moving." He replied. "Well either he's moving closer or farther, right now our main concern is Phobos. The only thing I have right now is the Nexus which by the way has way better supplies than the Auditor's bases or warehouses." I said switching to another camera. "Nexus?" Hank asked. "Yeah, when I still used to work for Auditor, he had brought me to the Nexus a few times. I remember the first week was to meet Phobos, the second was for a business meeting. In just two visits I memorized almost the whole Nexus so I'll be able to help when I'm healed, it's also only a 2 hour drive." I said.

A week later aka the present~
6:34 A.M

I woke up super early. Today's the day we go to the Nexus for some information. I had trained since last week because 2B had me cleared for any other injuries. I had refreshed my memories of the Nexus and gotta say, it was easier than expected. I had a simple J sandwich and immediately went to target practice. I started shooting the moving targets and hit them all one by one without missing. We decided we would leave at 12 P.M since the drive to the Nexus is a two hour drive.

Present - Now:

I put the flashdrive into the computer and copied the first part of the info that we needed. "Y/N 3 O'CLOCK TEN ENGINEERS AND A RIOT GUARD!!!" Mom yelled out to me. I dodged a bullet just in time and shot them all dead in a flash. I jumped down to the next bridge handing a drive to Deimos while I cover for him. "BOOM! HEADSHOT!" I yelled triumphantly. "Done Y/N, let's go to the last one." Deimos said and we jumped down to the next bridge. "FELLOW WE'RE ALMOST DONE GET THE HELICOPTER IN HERE!" "Chopper comin' in!" Fellow replied.

"HANK, SANFORD, MOM, DAD, FELLOW'S COMIN' IN WITH THE HELICOPTER, WE GOTTA GO TO THE ROOF NOW!" I yelled for them. "ALRIGHT Y/N WE'LL MEET YA THERE!" Sanford said and ran to the nearest stairwell. "Deimos come with me, I know a shortcut!" I yelled to him and he nodded. We ran on the bridge until we got to a big door. We opened the door and locked it to make sure none of Phobos' henchmen could get in.

"*Pant* *pant* What now? *Pant*" Deimos asked between breaths. "See that door over there? That's our easy escape. It teleports anyone three bridges above where they are now, and there are nine bridges. Luckily for you we are on the sixth floor so you should be good. Go, I'll catch up, I need to settle some things." I said. "Wait what if you get-" "Don't worry I'll be fine just go, this building's gonna collapse with all the C-4." I ushered him. He nodded and looked back at me. "Good luck Y/N." He mouthed before he got teleported.

I ran out the door and ran across the bridge. There's one more thing I needed. "THERE SHE IS!" I heard a soldat yell. I ran faster to the lab me and Deimos were and turned on the holographic monitor. There was more information I personally needed about the asshole Phobos. Once I was done I ran back to the teleporting room in which I crossed a few soldats and riot guards but that was it. Incase the stick would get corrupted, the files had already been sent to the stick Deimos has so I don't need to worry.

"Y/N WHERE ARE YOU?! THIS BUILDING'S GONNA BLOW!!" I heard Sanford yell through the earpiece "Just gathered some extra info we may need!" I replied opening the teleporting door. It revealed a nothing but a platform. I stepped on it and pressed the bridge I wanted to be on. In 10 seconds I was on the ninth bridge and I ran out of the door on to the bridge for Fellow, who was on the roof. Suddenly I saw a sniper aim for the helicopter and I knew that if he hit them...

I took out my sniper aiming at him, not being able to get a clear shot. "Come on.... Come on...!" I whispered trying to get a shot.


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"Gotcha..." I shot the engineer and started running again. "WOAH! GOOD JOB Y/N- Y/N!!!!" I heard them all yell... Even Hank? What-


Sanford POV:
4:24 P.M


Deimos POV:
4:25 P.M

No... Please.... Get. Up.

Hank POV:
4:26 P.M

This is why I don't like getting attached to people.... Get the fuck up Y/N...

4:27 P.M


4:28 P.M

No... No... NO!! SHE'S. NOT. DEAD!!!!



The Nexus' New Boss (Madness Combat X Fem!Reader) [HIATUS]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora