S2 Ep6: I have my dear Y/N to thank for.

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Y/N = Your Name
Y/MN = Your Mom's Name
Y/DN = Your Dad's Name
(Don't ask the video because I really had no idea what to put)

Phobos POV:
19/04/2032 10:00 A.M

Today I had no paperwork and decided once again to check the process my employees have made. Once I entered the testing room Julie bumped into me. "Oh forgive me sir! I was just about to call you to come see the progress of Y/N." She said. "Well how much progress have you made these past five days?" "Well sir, she's no longer very merciful. She has no more remorse if you put it simply. She kills anything in her sight but we've programed her drive to take orders from you and from anyone you put in charge." She explained.

I smirked at this. Y/MN's precious little daughter will no longer remember her or her pathetic friends. "Show me." I commanded. "Send in test subjects T- 473." Julie ordered. Within a minute there were three grunts in the testing room and not even a second later Y/N teleported. She eyed the grunts and turned around. One started melting, the other withered away and the last one... Well let's just say what was supposed to be inside was now out. I smiled at the progress they've made. "Well done Julie, I want to meet her in person to see how she'll react." I said and she nodded.

"Y/N would you please step outside that door and wait in that room?" Julie asked and Y/N complied. "Follow me director." Julie said. I followed her to room Y/N was in. Y/N turned around examining me. She turned her head back to Julie. "Y/N this is director Phobos, he is the one who is in charge of the Nexus or well the new Nexus and you take orders from him as you've been programed to do." Julie said introducing me. "It is a pleasure to meet you once again Y/N." I said. She cocked her head in confusion. "Yes we have indeed met before Y/N, only under... Different circumstances." I said.

She nodded and looked back to. "Does she not speak?" I asked. "She hasn't spoken since we brought her back to life and refused to do so even though she can." Julie explained. "Maybe she just needs to get used to us, Julie get her in appropriate attire, we will attack the group immediately." I commanded. Jullie nodded and gestured Y/N to follow her while I walked back to my office. I decided to call Auditor about his strategy.
Ph = Phobos
A = Auditor

A - "What."
Ph - "You know exactly what Auditor."
A - "The plan is to lure them into the city, I might capture them, excluding Wimbleton and use them as puppets since Wank is also still out there."
Ph - "Good, I'm already executing the plan. I'll see you in the city."

I said before I hung up. God he is such a pain. Either way the plan is slowly falling into place, Y/MN will watch as I use HER creations to destroy this world and I will be it's new god. Y/N you better not fail.

Hank POV:
10:55 A.M

Never thought in all this madness that I'd actually feel for some girl. She wasn't even much help, just a damn nuisance. Yet they wonder why I work alone. Either way it doesn't matter, her body was destroyed in the building so there's no way for 2B to bring her back, after all, she was dead weight. Right now we need to focus on staying alive and getting Phobos and Auditor, those assholes just don't know when to give up. Sanford and Deimos have been real quiet ever since she died. "Hey." I called out to them.

They turned around both with emotionless stares. To be honest, I've never seen them like this so I was on guard incase they tried something. "We need to get going, stop wasting time and let's go." I told them before I walked out of the main area. After I met up with the rest down stairs 2B asked where Sanford and Deimos were. "Here." I heard an emotionless voice speak. Deimos. He's been speaking for Sanford two days after the girl died.

"Good, as you all know we need to lay low for another two weeks before we can start going in the open again. So this means we can only go looking for weapons and food, no more. Of course in case we experience any difficulties we can always wipe out anyone we don't trust." He said. I nodded while the rest just answered with yes. "So I come out with the chopper just Incase of an emergency, correct?" Fellow asked. "Yes, now seeing as we're all set we better start searching before it hits 3 P.M ." 2B said and we all agreed. Once we all got in the car Fellow opened the blast door for us and we went on our way.

Time skip 2 hours and 30 minutes also bcuz I ain't writing that whole process~

We were finally seeing some buildings up ahead after two hours of driving. "Alright guys we're pulling up where it's populated so be prepared for anything." Y/DN warned. After a few sounds of gun clicks we slowed down trying to spot a good place to start raiding. Once we found one we parked the Humvee/Jeep/Hummer (idrc what you choose) in an old abandoned building. As we got out the radar started going off signaling that there were enemies near by. We traveled with much caution and stealth until we eventually got to the building where we would start raiding.

This building seemed fairly large and seemed to have a high chance of having supplies. While Sanford, Y/DN and I were put on duty to keep watch incase anything happened, the rest started to raid the building. I was patrolling the area I was told to keep watch of until I caught a glimpse of a sniper. Immediately I took cover and heard the sniper shoot. I took out my own sniper and shot him dead. Seconds later I heard an explosion coming from the building we were raiding and rushed over to see what happened.

"WHAT THE HELL?! SANFORD! SANFORD!" Deimos called out. "DEIMOS! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Sanford yelled back. "IS EVERYONE OKAY?!" Y/DN yelled. "YEAH! I THINK?" "WE'RE OKAY!" "WE'RE FINE!" They yelled back one by one. We frantically turned every second to see if we could find anyone but we didn't find anything. A few moments later the rest of the group managed to push down the rubble that was blocking them. "What in hell's name was that?!" Deimos exclaimed. "One second we're taking a five minute break, next thing ya know the building explodes!"

"And I have my dear Y/N to thank for that."

To be continued...


Heya spifeys, long time no see! I know I know me being dead was worrying and those outros I made were sucking ass but here's the old one. A long ass paragraph ranting about today's episode and asking how your day went! After who knows however long I've returned with a new and fresh episode for the continuation of "Season 2:The Girl Who Lives For Madness AKA The Nexus' New Boss"! And also how was your day? If it was fine than great! If not I hope this was enough to get your mind off whatever you're going through. That being said I hope you have a wonderful day/night/afternoon/evening and I'll see you in the next episode.

Cya dudes

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