S2 Ep10: Back home.

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Y/N = Your name

Thursday 25/04/2032 8:27 A.M

I woke up on a metal bed enraged. Enraged and annoyed slightly homicidal and deeply craving my beloved freedom (*cough* SOLYGBM *cough*). I tried getting up until I realised the bed has restraints and my body didn't move properly so I was completely stuck. "You failed Y/N and I'm disappointed." Director Phobos said entering the room. "But it's fine, that was your first time outside so I can excuse it." He continued. "But know this, I won't be as forgiving when you mess up again." He finished. I gave him a nod and soon the restraints were removed allowing me to move freely. "For now though, we won't be going anywhere due to some... Complications." He said slightly glaring. "And for the time being you'll be my assistant! So follow me, you'll be helping me in my office." He said walking out of the lab. I was about to walk out as well before I realised that I don't have much on my body. I quickly materialised some clothes and followed the director.

Once I caught up to him he started talking. "So Y/N you might be wondering why I, a god, would need use of common glitch like you. Well it's simple really. I need you to kill for me so I can expand my empire! That is the main reason you were created." He finished. I didn't feel hurt by his insult at all but I agreed. Why would he need use of a glitch like me? The director has everything he wants not to mention the grateful employees. But after his brief explanation I understood. To him, I am only a tool to be used so he can expand his empire, and I can except that. (Jesus christ that's sad even for me)

"We are here Y/N. Now I need you to sort out my files while I'll be busy trying to find that... Complication..." He said once again his mood dropping. He showed me where the files were and with which category I'd have to begin. "I hope you got all that because I will not be repeating myself." He spoke nonchalantly. I nodded and got to work. I need to make sure these files are safe incase Hank and his friends manage to find their way here. Some files I sorted were too old to even be of use but even so I will not question the director's decisions. While I was sorting the classified files I saw what seemed to be a copy of "An experiment" and in square brackets "[scrapeface]". (If you read the first book, you know and *cough* *cough* new *cough* character *cough*)

I was confused as to why he'd have much less need a copy of an experiment that was more than twenty years ago. I stared at it for a moment before putting it in the copy drawer. I could sense the director observing me while he worked. I did not know why but I didn't question it. The director has his reason and he knows what's best.

Phobos POV:

I was observing her incase she decides to do anything suspicious. After some time she didn't seem to have done anything so I went on with my matter. As I was about to turn off the holographic computer, I saw a figure moving around in the city. I hacked into two street cameras where the figure was last seen. Once I got in, I zoomed in only to see Jebus. "Haha, Jebediah Christoff, I'm disappointed." I muttered. "Y/N come here." She stopped what she was doing and immediately came over to me. She looked up to me awaiting an order. "Examine his face." I said and she did as she was told.

"I cannot trace him director.Whatever power he possesses allows him to keep his location hidden from anyone." She informed. It seems her voice has a normal tone around allies but a gets distorted around enemies. Noted. "*Sigh* Very well, you may go back to sorting the files." I said and she went back. I sat back down in my chair on who I should send to find Jebidiah. Currently Y/N is 'recovering' and nobody here is strong enough to face him alone. "I have finished Director. Would you like me to do anything else?" Y/N asked. "For now you'll be perfecting your powers and enhancing your drive." I said waving my hand dismissively. I ordered her to follow me to the testing lab where she'll be busy with her drive and powers. "Do not let her leave until her powers are ultimately perfected. Do I make myself clear?" Everyone nodded fearfully and I left.

"Sir!" I heard a voice call out. "This better be important." I replied turning around. Lo and behold, it's Julie. "Julie? Didn't I tell you not to visit me until you're done with the program?" I scolded. "Y-yes sir but wait, we have some important information." She said with shaking hands. "We found an old acquaintance of yours hiding in the underground. Dr ???." Dr ???, that traitorous pest who left after finding out about my plan for godhood (I know jackshit abt PN so I'm just making shit up as I go). "Bring him here, I want to have a chat with the traitor." "Yes director sir." Julie said and left my presence. I smirked to myself, seems like things are already turning around for me.

Auditor POV:

Phobos and I had a deal but even then he still concerns me. He has a well known reputation for cutting off (killing) people who don't play by the rules of his game and I don't plan on focusing on some useless waste when I can get Hank and his gang killed with the right plan. Needless to say I need to keep an eye on him. "Boss." "What?" I replied already angry that my break got interrupted. "It's Phobos." [What does he want?] I thought to myself. "Bring him in." I spoke. The agent nodded and went outside to retrieve Phobos. "Hello Auditor." He greeted with that shitty smirk of his. "What do you want Phobos? I gave you everything you needed and we have a deal." I asked irritated by his presence. "I have found an old friend of mine who might be able to aid us in capturing 'you know who'." He replied. ".... Go on." I told him.

"Dr ???, to be more precise. My fellow associate, which is why I'm going to need you to call of your men for a while, we can go after them later when we have Dr ???." Phobos explained. I hummed in response. Call of my men? If I do we'll lose them and will have to start all over, surely this imbecile hasn't thought about that. "And start all over again when they're so close within our grasp? Did you even think twice about coming here?" I asked even more annoyed by his idiocy. "Yes actually I have. And I have a plan for that little inconvenience you just mentioned." He replied smugly. ".... Fine but if this goes south, I will kill you." "You're welcome to try Auditor." He spoke and left my office.

What exactly do you have planned Phobos?

Hey there it surely has been some time hasn't it? Well truth be told I just kinda forgot this book existed but otherwise nothing new. I also had zero ideas what to do since I don't wanna rush into the whole "oh love me y/n" and yada yada so that's also that. But hey I have two new characters on the way so that's nice right? Anyways nothin too new with me. So that's all for today, I hope you have a wonderful day/night/afternoon/evening and I'll see you in the next episode.

Cya dudes

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