S2 Ep7: ...

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Y/N = Your Name
Y/MN = Your Mom's Name
Y/DN = Your Dad's Name
F/C = Favorite Color
S/FC = Second Favorite Color

Deimos POV:

No no no she's dead! She can't be alive! He didn't- "What's wrong? Aren't you all happy so to see her?" That son of a bitch!! "Y/N...?" Miss Y/MN spoke. Y/N.... She looks so.... Dead.... Her skin color was almost black but instead it's a dark S/FC like skin color. Her hair has a black and F/C gradiënt and now has F/C glowing eyes... What did they do to you? "Y/N it's me, your mother!" Y/MN shouted. Y/N just stared at us, devoid of any emotion. "H-hey Y/N, r-remember me? Deimos? We played Mario kart a few days ago at the old base?" I asked trying to get her to remember. Now she was staring at me.

Something unexpected happened which made all stumble back in shock. She raised right her arm, her hand no longer there and replaced with just a very sharp edge, swung it to the left and in an instant the ground had a huge rip in it. She doesn't remember does she? "KID, LISTEN TO ME ITS US THE CREW, THE ONES WHO HELPED YOU ESCAPE WHEN YOU AND DEIMOS GOT KIDNAPPED." 2B shouted. It's no use, she no longer remembers us and is probably going to kill us without hesitation...

"Aw, looks like she doesn't remember you anymore. What. A. Shame." Phobos taunted. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!! I WILL KILL YOU!!!" "Haha! With her guarding me and the fact that guns barely do any damage to me? HAHAHA! Y/MN your husband is something else. If you want me dead you need to kill her and I'm pretty sure we don't want that now do we?" He mocked... I want to kill him. I WANT TO KILL HIM SO BAD!! HE KILLED MY FRIEND!!! SOMEONE I TRUSTED!! SOMEONE WHO I- "So go on, kill me." He mocked. All we could do is glare daggers at him.

"Y/N," she turned to him the instant he called her name. "kill them." No she isn't, she wouldn't- "DEIMOS LOOK OUT!" Y/MN yelled. I dodged just in time and turned to see what was shot at me. It was some sort of spike. Shit we gotta go, now. "WE HAVE TO GO NOW!!" Sanford yelled. We all ran out of the now destroyed building with Y/N not far behind. We somehow someway managed to outrun her and are now waiting for her to go just a little farther away so we can race our way to the city. And yes, we tried contacting Fellow but there was no signal no nothing, like everything was corrupted so our only option was to go to the city.

"Go go go, she's gone!" I whisper yelled at hank and immediately we raced out of the building towards the city.

Hank POV:

The girl is gone. Long long gone, there's nothing left of her which gives us no choice but to kill her. Not that I really care about killing her, I would if I had the chance but her parents make that impossible for me. And more so Sanford and Deimos will hate me, no I don't have a problem with it, they just won't follow orders when given to or they will but will fuck it up on purpose. I can't be thinking about this shit right now, right now I need to make sure she doesn't catch up to us. "2B how far is the girl?" "Can't see her, she hasn't even shown herself since we left the building."

She has something planned but what the hell is it? The city is fucking 3 days away what the hell could she be planning? Unless we want to die than we'll have to keep driving without taking a damn break. "Guys isn't the city like three days away?" Sanford asked. "It is and we haven't been able to contact fellow since we left the area she's in." Y/DN said. "Either we're still within her power's range or the effect has massive range." Y/MN added. "That is possible, I mean she managed to fuck up our communication system the instant I tried contacting Fellow." Deimos explained.

"Right now the only good news we have is that we can drive to the city. The bad news is that we can't do that without taking a break every few hours." 2B said. "Now what?" "We keep driving for now and keep watch if she shows up." 2B replied. Well isn't this just fucking great.

Timeskip 5 hours~

Phobos POV:

"Y/N," she teleported back to my side once I called her name. "are they heading to the city?" I asked and she nodded, perfect. "Excellent, make sure not to lose track of them, I will inform the Auditor in the meantime." I said. She teleported away while I called the Auditor.

Ph - "They're headed towards the city just as planned."
A - "Good, they won't get away this time."


Heya! Sorry for this shitty short chapter but inspiration seemed to have disappeared without a trace. Also how ya doing? If you're doing fine than great! If not I hope this was enough to get your mind off whatever you're through. Anyways that's all I have to say for now, I hope you have a wonderful day/night/afternoon/evening and I'll see you in the next chapter

Cya dudes

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