Section 1

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Me: Welcome to The Q and A!

Skylar: So happy to be here...

Me: You will be!

Skylar: ...Right.

Me: Anyway's the first question is... what is something your significant other did that no one would believe?

Skylar: Oh, that's easy. *Glances around for Draal with a smirk* Don't tell him I told you.

Me: Won't happen...*Crosses fingers*

Skylar: Well, on our much needed vacation, traveling around before the rise of the titans, Draal had looked into human customs.

Me: Oh, I can already tell that this is going to be good.

Skylar: I'm serious, he would read books and everytime I tried to see what he was reading, he would hide it and distract me with something else. He would do all sorts of little things that I thought was very strange coming from him, but undoubtedly adorable. Like feeding birds, kinda like that one scene in beauty and the beast.

Me: Great comparison.

Skylar: Shut up and let me continue. Any way; I only realized what he was doing when he took me out one night, back to our special spot in Arcadia and took out the ring he made. That's when he asked me to be his mate. It was super cringe because he had prepared a poem and everything. Again, adorable, but so unlike him. Not to mention, cheesy.

Jim: You're kidding, right? Draal being cheesy?

Skylar: When did you get here?!

Jim: When Author~Chan let me in. Anyway's continue.

Me: Why don't you tell all of us what Draal said.

Skylar: No way, it's super cheesy and cringe. *Laughs*

Jim and I share a look before staring Skylar down.

Me: The readers would like to know...

Jim: Tell the readers.

Skylar: ...Fine. *Sighs heavily* I promise for always, my Skylar. Tick Tock, a second, a heart. Infinitely we will be bound as one. Connected together, I share with you. Bound together, I offer you forever.

Jim: *Laughing* How poetic.

Me: What did you do after?

Skylar: Oh, I laughed. Hard. Then he asked me straight out to be his mate. I said yes, and that's when he showed me the ring. *Skylar shows the ring on her finger*

Me: Very nice. Now, What is the quickest way for you to lose respect in someone?

Skylar: When they harm those I care about.

Me: No hesitation.

Jim: Zero.

Skylar: It's the truth.

Me: Wow, okay. Final question for today... Oh, it's for me... What is a past passion you can't believe you were even into?

Skylar: Hahaha Suffer!

Me: *Shakes head* I honestly don't know. I've been pretty passionate about a lot of things in my life, writing being the main thing. But... I guess I would have to say that I get really passionate about shows/movies I watch or books I read. I digest the information from them really easily, especially when I can relate to the characters, but again, I can relate to pretty much any character for almost any and every reason. Oh! I was really passionate about fairies, anything magical actually (Still am, obviously). But... Yeah, my passions haven't changed a whole lot through the years. I can't really leave behind those characters I've grown so attached too because I grew up with those characters basically. My chosen family.

Skylar: Wow... You obviously don't have any real friends.

Me: ...I prefer fictional characters.

Skylar: welp, that was all the questions, so, Until next time readers.

Me: I hope you guys enjoyed and remember, don't be afraid to ask any question that comes to mind. They will all be answered with time. Bye!

Jim: I'm going to go tease Draal now.

Skylar: No you're not!







Skylar: That was a really boring answer, by the way.

Me: Go back to your reality!!!

Skylar Lake Q and AOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant