Section 21

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Me: Welcome back everybody!

Skylar: Gods!

Draal: So close...

Bular: Again.

Me: Yep! As soon as you think it's over, we're back at it!

Jim: Seems to be the same people again.

Me: Oh yeah. me, Skylar, Arya, Draal, Bular, Jim, Claire, Barbara, and Stricky."

Strickler: Stricky?

Me: Yeah, Stricklander to Strickler to Stricks to Stricky.

Skylar: Makes sense to me.

Arya: I guess?

Me: Anyways! Question one is for Bular.

Bular: Great.

Me: If you had a restart from when Jim became the Trollhunter to now, would you do anything different or nah?

Bular: I'd probably continue on with my life and leave all the drama behind.

Skylar: That sounds like a song...

Strickler: I got that too.

Bular: Humans have weird music.|

Draal: Yes.

Me: Anyways, Skylar what is your worst fear?

Skylar: I feel like I answered that?

Me: Maybe.

Skylar: Normally I would say Spiders, but just incase I already answered that, I will give my second worst fear which is the thought of people leaving me behind because I'm not useful enough or enough in general.

Me: Fantastic!

Draal: You're more than enough.

Toby: You literally carry the entire team.

Claire: You could take out armies on your own.

Jim: Even if you couldn't, I would still be stuck with you as my sister.

Me: Bular!

Bular: Again?

Me: Yepperoni! Do you ever dream or have nightmares or is your sleep just darkness until you wake up?

Bular: It depends on the temperature. Hot temperatures cause incredibly weird dreams, like a chicken singing and playing a ukulele while riding a flying narwhal. Normal temperatures cause nothing. Then cold temperatures cause nightmares.

Me: Draal's Turn!

Draal: Very well.

Me: k, okay. What would you do if Skylar got killed by the enemy?

Draal: Kill them all.

Skylar: Awe, look at him turn into a rolling murder machine!

Jim: A rolling murder machine?

Arya: A murder sonic?

Toby: That tracks... Kinda.

Me: Skylar, same question.

Skylar: Like Draal said. Kill them all, no mercy.

Draal: Look at the murderous flying monkey.

Skylar: Flying Monkey?

Toby: You do fly.

Strickler: Technically humans are related to mon-

Skylar: Shut up Strickler.

Me: Jim, you okay? Does your trauma affect you?

Jim: No? What Trauma?

Me: You're lying and you should see a therapist.

Jim: Isn't that what a sister is for?

Strickler: If your sister wasn't a flying murder monkey, then yes.

*Skylar tackles Strickler*

Bular: Bite his ear off! Changelings hate that.

Draal: All creatures hate that.

*Bular laughs as Draal drags Skylar off of Strickler*

Me: Barbara, do you have any phobias?

Barbara: I guess... my children not coming home?

Skylar: Awe, mom.

Jim: We're here for you.

Skylar: Me less so because Strickler, but still.

Jim: Skylar.

Me: Strickler, same question.

Strickler: Losing Barbara again.

Jim: Awe.

Skylar: Gross.

Me: Uh huh, anyways. Claire, worst and best memory?

Claire: My best memory would probably be meeting my best friends Darcy and Mary. My worst memory would probably have to be that one time where I caught Steve kissing a pillow of himself.

Skylar: I'm not even surprised by that.

Arya: How did you catch him doing that exactly?

Jim: Yeah, I'm curious about that too.

Claire: I was supposed to be tutoring him.

Me: ...Jim, same question.

Jim: Meeting Claire for the first time is definitely the best memory ever. For my worst memory? I'd have to say... That one time I ate ice-cream only for it to turn out that it wasn't ice-cream, but frozen yogurt.

Skylar: That's your worst memory?

Jim: It was a very heart shattering moment. Imagine, you're excited about ice-cream, been looking forward to it all day. You pull it out of the freezer, the frosty-ness feeling amazing after a hot day of summer, the sweet chocolate and vanilla ice-cream calling your name after you've worked so hard. Then you take a bite. And it's yogurt! Not Ice-cream! Yogurt!

Skylar: That's kinda pathetic.

Me: yeah well, I'm about to give you an even worse memory.

Jim: Nothing can be worse.

Me: Yeah it could. And Imma be nice and whisper it, not because I like you or anything, but because I don't want to spoil anything for the readers and they have to figure it out on their own.

Jim: ...I'm actually more terrified now than I've ever been.

Skylar: It must be bad considering she never hesitated to tell us that our mom and Bular had relations in another universe.

*I whisper to Jim only for him to crumple into a ball and start crying as he rocks himself*

Skylar: Well now I'm curious.

Me: I'll give you a hint, it takes place in the same universe as the Barbara and Bular ship.

Strickler: it must be horrifying t-

Jim: Why not Claire, why a changeling?

Me: She treated you badly in the past timeline of that universe according to the reader.

Me: anyways, thank you all for joining us today, as always leave any questions you like and have a marvelous morning/afternoon/evening/night! Bye for now!












Skylar: I kinda want ice-cream now.

Draal: Can I have socks?

Skylar: I think Jim could whip up some sock and lightbulb ice-cream.

Toby: That sounds like it would destroy a blender.

Skylar: Why would you use a blender?

Toby: I... Don't know.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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