Section 4

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Me: Welcome back, my dear readers!

Skylar: Ah jeebus...

Me: Shut it.

Skylar: Why are Jim and Draal here... and Bular?

Me: Bular has been brought back from the dead. Only for now.

Bular: I should kill you where you stand.

Me: Good luck with that. Anyways, we'll start off with my favorite question before going on to the others. And yes, I'm not afraid to claim which is my favorite.

Skylar: But you won't claim which one you dislike the most.

Me: So, here's the Q. Once again, this person has asked 2 questions, love that. And not to mention, it has to do with the series.

Skylar: Quit talking and just ask the question.

Me: Which one is it? Quit talking or ask the question? You can't have both.

Skylar: *Summons fire in her hand* Try. Me.

Me: *Clears throat* "Jim and Sky, what if Bular was able to be redeemed? Difficult, but a possibility. Would you try?

Bular sits up and looks over at the two with an expectant glare.

Jim: Eh... I mean, I would probably try? Maybe. If it was at all a possibility.

Bular: Why?

Jim: Everybody deserves a second chance, I think.

Everyone turns their attention to Skylar.

Skylar: What?

Me: What's your answer?

Skylar: Hell no, he broke my board with his face.

Jim: To be fair, you broke your board over his face so Toby and I could get away.

Skylar: That's not how I remember it.

Me: How do you remember it.

Skylar: Simple. I was looking at the love of my life, the one thing that granted me freedom and he ran face first into it. I cried over the remains.

Everyone: ...

Bular: A wood chip got stuck in my eye. It took weeks to get it out.

Skylar: Well then, maybe you should've thought about that before smashing your face into my board.

Jim: My sister is crazy...

Draal: She's your sister, I have no claim.

Jim: You're the one that married her. I had no choice in being her brother.

Me: Oh, you must feel so loved.

Skylar: Oh yeah. They fight over me all the time too. So loved.

Me: Anyways, that's all Bular was needed for. Bye bye.

Bular: Wai--

Me: Next Q! Draal, have you ever sparred Jim while being his friend and gotyour a$$ beat? Jim, same question.

Draal and Jim exchanged a look.

Draal: ...Maybe once.

Skylar: Four times. It was four times, Draal.

Jim: Uh... Besides those four spars... All the time...

Skylar: Oh yeah.

Draal: Skylar just watches us.

Jim: As if she's watching gun robot.

Skylar: With popcorn. And tacos. Sometimes I have cookies while I watch.

Skylar Lake Q and AWhere stories live. Discover now