Problem avoided for now.

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After the antics of the morning, you and Keanu returned to the classroom 5 minutes before the lesson starts, he sits at his desk whereas you do not sit in your assigned seat, you sit at the back, worrying about Alenas message. Keanu looks over at you with a puzzled expression on his face. "Y/N... Why are you at the back?" He questioned you. You shifted in your seat and he stood up, walking over to you. "Uhh.. I just thought I should sit here for.. reasons" you said, you were terrible at lying.

He was stood next to your seat, looking down at you. He looked concerned. "Y/N, what's going on?" You put your head down and almost started to cry, then you grabbed your phone and showed him the message from the night before. He took your phone and read the message over and over again, his expression changed from concerned to furious. He handed your phone back to you and put his arm around you. "I won't let that witch do anything to hurt you, come sit at the front" his voice was soft and comforting, so you got up and moved, sitting back Infront of his desk.

A few minutes later, the class started to arrive, you saw Adam walk in and smiled, he smiled back but stopped after he noticed Keanu was glaring at him, but you didn't realise. Of course, she was the last to walk in, when she stepped into the room, she was looking at the back row of desks. An annoyed look washed over her face as she slowly looked to the front. Right into your eyes.

She marched over to you and stood Infront of you with her arms crossed, tapping her foot. "Did you not get my warning" she hissed, quiet enough so she thought only you heard, but Keanu was listening too. "What warning?" You responded, pretending to be clueless, she was getting angrier, "I messaged you last night, telling you what would happen if you sat in MY seat!" Her voice was getting louder, and people were starting to look and snicker quietly. "Oh, I mustn't have got the message" you shrugged. "Well, let me give you a hint." She whispered, pulling a bottle of superglue out of her jacket pocket.

Just as she had unscrewed the cap, Keanu snatched it out if her hand. "And what were you planning on doing with this, Alena?" He snapped, holding the superglue in her face. She went bright red "Uh... Nothing Keanu, I was going to fix something for poor Y/N here... She messaged me saying she needed my help, so I was trying to be a darling and help her." She batted her eyelashes, but he wasn't having any of it. "Give me the cap and go stand outside." He ordered her and she did what she was told. After storing the superglue in a locked drawer, he went into the hall and the whole class could hear him yelling at her, saying he saw the message and that she was being sent to the principal. You sat back in your chair and relaxed as he walked back into the class to start teaching, as he was getting up to write on the board, he winked and smiled at you, making you blush.

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