Fligh fun.

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After everyone was piled into the plane and seated, the real fun began. The rest of the travellers were being seated as you and your classmates were first class fliers, and the flight attendants were milling around offering complementary snacks and drinks. One flight attendant stopped next to Keanu, who was not so randomly seated beside you, "Good morning, sir, could I interest you in a glass of champagne?" She asked with a smile. Without hesitation he responded "make that two glasses, wrangling this bunch really takes it out of you." After they shared a laugh he winked at her, for some reason, this small act of what was most likely kindness really annoyed you. The nice lady came back with two glasses and a bottle of chilled wine. As she poured the drinks Keanu reached into his blazer and slipped an unknown amount of money to the flight attendant, with a low voice he said "Leave the bottle." And with that, he had two glasses and a bottle of champagne.

After the flight attendant had disappeared, Keanu turned to you, champagne in hand and offered it over. "But I'm not old enough?" You said, worried he may get in trouble. With a laugh he responded "It's a holiday, loosen up a little." As you took the glass and tapped them together in a toast there was a sudden yell from another aisle. "What do you mean my clothes are inappropriate? I am dressed for Spain, we are going to Spain, I will not change my clothes, plus all MY clothes are in my suitcase, which is underneath the plane." All the attention was on Alena and the Flight attendant addressing her. "Ma'am, I'm sorry but you can't wear that, it is not appropriate, we do have some spare clothes if-" she was cut off by another shrill retort, "I will NOT be wearing someone else's clothes! I'm not some.. commoner!" Keanu then stands up to save the flight attendant from all this 'rich girl' talk. "I have something in my carry on she can wear." His voice was smooth and calm but he was so excited to embarrass her.

(Time skip)

The plane had taken off, finally, you and Keanu were laughing, drinking and watching a movie together. As for Alena... Well she was given this to wear:

 Well she was given this to wear:

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She was not happy at all, and carried on causing a disturbance

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She was not happy at all, and carried on causing a disturbance. The only option left was to downgrade her seat, so she was sent to 2nd class. "Cheers to revenge and a peaceful flight." You said, raiding your glass, "I'll drink to that" Keanu responded. "The look on her face when you gave her those clothes was hilarious! I wish I got a picture." Keanu laughed, causing champagne to spill out of his mouth, "god damn it Y/N, why would you do that." He said howling with laughter. This grabbed the attention of a nearby flight attendant who brough over some towels to clean up, her sudden appearance startled you and you slammed your glass back onto his tray.

The flight attendant began patting down Keanu's shirt and blazer but he suddenly snatched the towel to wipe his own pants, she looked flustered and slightly annoyed but she walked away, after slipping a small note onto his tray.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2023 ⏰

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