Chapter 2

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This chapter is dedicated to @sucessdy !! Thank you for commenting and voting on my story <3

It's a lazy Sunday when Beomgyu finally plucks up the courage to just ask Taehyun. They've been in Beomgyu's bed pretty much all day, ignoring responsibilities in favour of extra hours of rest.

Taehyun jabs at his phone screen, trying to beat a high score Kai achieved in a game that's become their latest obsession.
"Fuck!" Taehyun exclaims, throwing his phone down. "I was two points away! Two points."

While Beomgyu's sure Taehyun's loss was disheartening, there's something else that's been bothering him. He just can't get over the way Heeseung had Taehyun snorting from laughter, his hands roaming Taehyun's body at the party.

"Hey, Taehyun?" Beomgyu starts. "We're still good, right?"

"Hm?" Taehyun's purely focused on the game again, cocooned back in the duvet after retrieving his phone.
Beomgyu is pushing the edge of the bed once Taehyun has resettled himself.

His room isn't anything special, a three quarter bed with plaid sheets, a few posters on the white walls and more than a few books haphazardly strewn across his desk.

"Like. What we're doing. The sex. Is it still okay?"

At that, Taehyun's character promptly dies. Taehyun discards his phone beside himself. He sits up and leans against the wall behind him, giving Beomgyu his full attention.

"I don't understand. Do you not want to have sex anymore?"

Beomgyu does his best to keep his eyes above Taehyun's neck, considering the younger boy isn't wearing a shirt. Now wouldn't be the best time to get distracted by the hip tattoo peeking out from the waistband of his boxers or his diamond belly ring. He certainly doesn't want to get himself excited by eyeing the fading bruises dotting Taehyun's chest, the sunlight filtering through the window making them more prominent. Bruises that he left.

Beomgyu shrugs, unsure of how to answer Taehyun's question. It's not that he wants to stop, per se, it's just that if Taehyun has feelings for Heeseung, he doesn't want to get in the way. He hates the idea of being that fuckbuddy. The kind that gets too attached, that doesn't know how to take a step back and let the other person move on.

"Plenty of relationships survive without sex, hyung. It's not the end of the world."

Beomgyu bunches the sheets in his fists, frustrated because this isn't going as planned. "No. I mean—it' you still want to keep having sex?"

"Of course," he says easily. "But only if you want to."

Beomgyu nods vigorously, smoothing out the sheets. "Yeah. Yeah I do."

"You're sure? Don't feel pressured just because it's what I want."

"No! It's what I want, too. I'm just making sure we're on the same page about what we want out of this relationship."

"I like having sex with you and I want to keep having sex with you. That clear things up?"

Beomgyu nods again, turning back to his laptop. If it was fine with Taehyun, then it was fine with him.


"Get out of my fucking way," Kai snarls.

"Not my fault you don't know how to drive," Beomgyu throws back.

"Fuck right off. I was in first place until that blue shell hit me out of nowhere!"
"Don't make excuses for your shitty driving, Kai."
Beomgyu increases the pressure on the remote button until his fingers ache, even though it won't increase his speed. It's rare for him to beat Kai at Mario Kart, and he's willing to do anything to maintain his lead.

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