Chapter 6

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This chapter is dedicated to @keqenhlow ;). Thank you for voting on my story!!

Present day

Beomgyu doesn't know when it started, but he craves the weight of Taehyun in his lap after a stressful day. Not even for anything sexual, just to have him close.

Since his conversation with Yeonjun, the way he's been feeling makes a lot more sense. His begrudging distaste towards Heeseung, the want for Taehyun to want him only.

Somewhere between heated encounters in bed and museum dates, Beomgyu's fragile heart got attached and began exploring the idea of what it would be like if Beomgyu got to call Taehyun his.

The more he reflects on it, the more he realises he's harboured these feelings for a good while; all it took for him to realise them was the threat of Taehyun finding someone better.

"Seonsaengnim! Come look at mine next!"

Teaching arts and crafts to a bunch of eight-year-olds at the community centre was more a choice than anything. Beomgyu didn't need the money; his parents were comfortably paying his tuition, half his rent, and regularly stocked his fridge.

His job is just a great way to make money while still doing what he loves. Working with kids was an added bonus—they made far less demands than adults and took instruction well.

"What's this you've done here, Eunae?" he asks, intrigued. Beomgyu has a soft spot for Eunae in particular. She was far from the best artist in the room, but she always pushed herself to present her best artwork. Beomgyu saw a bit of himself in her sometimes.

Today's lesson was on achieving the correct perspective when doing landscapes and though Eunae struggled with it in the beginning, her progress was promising.

A smear of red paint decorated her left cheek and her pigtails swayed vigorously as she bounced on the balls of her feet.

"It's you and Kai oppa skateboarding through the city. When I'm a big person, I wanna be just like you guys! My eomma said that you're one of the good guys, and I'm gonna be good too."

Beomgyu only laughs because he can't imagine anyone wanting to be like him, not when there were plenty of people who were better than him. People who were more sure of themselves and were willing to fight for what they wanted.

"You're the best already," he says, causing her to beam bright enough to rival the sun. "Let's take a photo and send it to Kai, shall we?"

Beomgyu gives her a few pointers on how she can improve her work before handing him her phone. Eunae balances it between her small hands, tongue poking out of the side of her mouth. She takes several pictures before settling on one and looking over Beomgyu's shoulder as he forwards it to Kai.

He moves from student to student, giving each of them feedback, but Taehyun is parked in the forefront of his mind. Always, always Taehyun.


Taehyun looks stunning under neon lights. It highlights his blonde hair, enhances his features and—God, he really is something utterly divine. Something completely beyond this world.

"Hyung, why are you staring at me like that? Have you been listening?" said boy asks.

And how could Beomgyu not? He would listen to Taehyun rattle on for hours on end even if all he was doing was reading his grocery list, though he's embarrassed that Taehyun caught him staring so intently into his eyes.

"Of course," Beomgyu replies. He runs a hand through Taehyun's hair. "You were saying how your TA refused to reassess your essay."

"Yeah, what an ass!" Taehyun continues. The confirmation that Beomgyu was listening is all he needs to launch right back into his tirade.

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