Chapter 8

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Beomgyu's head is a complete mess.

After walking for a good half hour, he found himself at a park that he and Taehyun had visited once or twice. He paced up and down in front of an old playground he and Taehyun used to make out on until an old lady scolded them for PDA.

Beomgyu makes a mental list of the disasters that had been occurring in his life.

He was (a) more conspicuous with his feelings than he expected, which led to (b) Taehyun figuring out Beomgyu's crush and will (c) result in Taehyun realising that he couldn't let Beomgyu be a part of his life anymore.

Hell, Beomgyu couldn't even follow the most basic rule of having a fuck buddy. How could Taehyun expect him to do anything else right?

Beomgyu thinks back to every encounter he's had with Taehyun. His sweaty palms every time they held hands, his rose-tinted cheeks whenever they exchanged innocent kisses, his eagerness to indulge Taehyun in anything and everything the younger expressed an interest in.

Beomgyu's such a fool. He's such an idiot for thinking Taehyun wouldn't catch on when he acted like such a lovesick puppy around him. It's no wonder everyone knows he has it bad for Taehyun.

Beomgyu wrapped his arms tighter around himself as the evening breeze grew stronger and ruffled his chestnut hair.

He should head back before Yeonjun gets even more worried–the older boy was already blowing his phone up with a thousand messages–but he needs to clear his head, organise his thoughts and figure out what he's going to do.

His first thought is to find Taehyun and come clean to him like Yeonjun insisted before this clusterfuck of a mess could get any worse, but he immediately recalled how Heeseung had interrupted them the first time he tried making his feelings known. He forgoes the honest route; Heeseung's interruption was a clear sign that some things are better left unsaid.

Beomgyu's phone buzzes again, slicing through the evening silence. This time, he answers. "Gyu, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take things so far. Please come home."

"I'm on my way back already," Beomgyu says as he takes a deep breath and sighs.

"Great. That's great. Again, I'm really sorry."

"Don't worry about it, hyung. I'll be home soon, okay?"

Yeonjun mutters a few more apologies before eventually dropping the call.

Beomgyu takes one more look around the park and starts the journey home. The events of the night occupy his thoughts as he walks. Taehyun knew about his feelings and there was nothing he could do about it.

The best thing Beomgyu could do for himself was to keep pretending to be oblivious. Maybe if Taehyun saw that Beomgyu wasn't looking to pursue a relationship, there would be no reason to stop seeing him.

Beomgyu wants to scream from frustration. This was all too taxing for him to handle and he just wishes the issue would solve itself.

It's not feasible, but it doesn't stop him from hoping.


"Gyu, what's wrong? You look like you're about to shit your pants." Taehyun fixes Beomgyu with a worried gaze.

The lights in the cinema are low, but Beomgyu can still make out his face. Would be able to even if he was blind.

"Hmm? Oh, nothing," Beomgyu responds. He turns back to the movie playing on the big screen. He can't for the life of him figure out what it's about. Beomgyu's the one who suggested they go see a movie and is the one who picked the title, but he struggles to pay attention.

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