Chapter 3

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This chapter is dedicated to @idiehumadioffcial !! thanks for voting for my story :p

Shit. Beomgyu thinks as he rushes across campus. He trips on the sidewalk and catches himself right before he eats dirt. He's late, and Taehyun is going to kill him. Taehyun's shift at the library ended almost an hour ago, and Beomgyu was supposed to pick him up like he usually did. Instead, he'd fallen asleep after lunch with Kai.

He'd only intended it to be a power nap, but severely underestimated how draining it was to attend a full day of classes and still teach three art classes to kids in between. What was meant to be a thirty-minute nap turned into three hours instead. Taehyun was for sure going to have his head.

The sky has only just begun darkening and with it, the temperature steadily drops. He'd brought one of his jackets from home in case Taehyun forgot one, a regular occurrence.

He spots a vendor as he's rushing to meet up with Taehyun but slows down once he realises it's the same woman that sells the giant pretzels Taehyun always goes crazy for. Whenever they're walking home from the library, Taehyun always buys something from her cart if he spots her.

Beomgyu slows down and comes to a stop at the cart. The path to forgiveness will be infinitely easier with food. "Good evening, halmeonim," he starts, keeping his smile friendly and inviting. "I'll take the Jumbo Pretzel, please."

The old lady gives a frail nod and smiles in response. She never says much, but Beomgyu always feels kindness radiating off her in waves whenever gives Taehyun an extra pretzel or encourages Beomgyu to take as many free samples as he wants.

As Beomgyu waits for his order, he unlocks his phone to a myriad of messages from Taehyun pestering him over why he's late.

Beomgyu is definitely toast.

i'll be there in like 5 mins
8.06 p.m.

Once the pretzel is wrapped and ready, Beomgyu sprints the rest of the way to the library. He spots Taehyun easily, leaning against the building wall with one hand stuffed in his pocket, the other flying across his phone screen.

Even from afar, Beomgyu can sense how annoyed Taehyun is from the way he's hunched over, bag hanging carelessly off one shoulder.

"Taehyun!" Beomgyu yells. It's a struggle to catch his breath, and he pants like a rabid chihuahua. Beomgyu is many things, but an athlete isn't one of them.

He pauses once he reaches Taehyun and crouches with his hands on his knees to catch his breath. "Hey," Beomgyu says. Maybe if he proceeds with caution, Taehyun won't be as mad as he expects.

"Beomgyu, where the fuck have you been?" And really, there's no beating around the bush with Taehyun. He always gets straight to the point.

No 'hyung', or even 'Gyu'.

"I accidentally overslept." He doesn't bother lying. After spending as much time together as they do, Taehyun can always see right through him.

Taehyun raises a brow, unimpressed. "Seriously, hyung? While I was standing around thinking you got killed, you were asleep?"

"I'm really sorry," Beomgyu says. His head is still bent low from trying to catch his breath. "I ran all the way here once I realised. I bought this for you to show how sorry I am. Promise it won't happen again."

if i could tell you | taegyu🔞 | [COMPLETED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu