Chapter 5

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This chapter is dedicated to @cindydananguyen !! Thank you for adding my story to your reading list ;)

"Can I ask you something, hyung?" Beomgyu asks.

"Mm," Yeonjun hums around a mouthful of hotteok. "What's up?"

Usually they take the subway home after classes, but the weather outside is abnormally nice so they decide to walk home and grab a snack instead. The streets of Seoul are busy at this time of day, people rushing home to feed their families, finish off work or to unwind after a long day. The sky isn't fully dark yet, the last rays of sun still straggling behind. Despite this, the city is lit up like a Christmas tree, LED billboards advertising everything from cosmetics to the latest idol comebacks.

Taxi drivers honk their horns aggressively, businessmen yell into earpieces and music blares from almost every building they come across. A variety of scents from street vendors selling food pervades the air. It's enough to make Beomgyu's stomach rumble, the hotteok barely satisfying him after a long day of classes.

Yeonjun grabs his hand and tugs him back before he can stroll into oncoming traffic, distracted by a man selling odeng.

"Before you and Soobin hyung started dating... did it ever bother you when he spent time with certain people?"

"Bother me how?"

They expertly weave through the horde. The Seoul scene was jarring when Beomgyu first moved there from his hometown of Daegu. In Seoul, everything was bright and fast-paced. The city hardly ever slept, its occupants always on the move. It was a far cry from Daegu where everything was quieter, more subdued. Seoul was less forgiving than Daegu, but after residing here for a few years, Beomgyu learned to adapt.

"Like.... did you ever just—did you ever wish he was always around you instead?" The frustration is plain as day in Beomgyu's voice. He just can't seem to find the right words to express how he feels.

Before Yeonjun and Soobin started dating officially, Soobin was just some guy that Yeonjun met through Tinder and was casually having sex with. Eventually, he caught feelings, and the result was less than pretty. If there's anyone who understands how Beomgyu feels, it's Yeonjun.

"Oh god, all the time. The jealousy used to eat me alive. And there was this girl he was constantly hanging out with. It drove me insane, Gyu. I was moody and bitter and full of resentment. You have no idea how relieved I was when I found out that she was just his cousin."

Jealousy. That's what Beomgyu hyper focuses on. At the thought of wanting to have someone, Taehyun, all to himself.

"You were jealous of Soobin's cousin?"

"Yup. That's what made me realise I wanted to be in a relationship with him."


Could Beomgyu be jealous of Heeseung? Is what he's feeling a sign that he wants to take their relationship further? Does he want more from Taehyun?

"Is this about Taehyun?" Yeonjun asks. "I saw his Instagram story on Friday night. Weren't you supposed to be taking him to that theatre?"

Beomgyu shrugs. "Heeseung got them tickets. I didn't want to insert myself. You know how Taehyun feels about him. I took Kai instead."

"Ah, so that's why you've been bummed out all week."

"I haven't been bummed out, just. Stressed. School stuff, you know." Beomgyu coughs and takes another bite of his hotteok so he doesn't have to keep talking.

"Mhm, I'm sure. But hey, at least your money didn't go to waste."

It's obvious Yeonjun doesn't believe him, but he doesn't press the issue further.

if i could tell you | taegyu🔞 | [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz