Chapter 9

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"I don't know how I feel about this, Soobin hyung." Beomgyu eyes himself in Soobin's bedroom mirror. He can hardly recognise the person staring back at him.

"You look great! Junnie, tell him he looks great," Soobin says as he places his hands on his hips, glasses slipping down his nose.

"Beomgyu, you look great," Yeonjun repeats mechanically, without looking up from his phone.

"Hey!" He jumps when his boyfriend swats him, stealing his attention from his phone. "What was that for?"

Soobin fixes Yeonjun with a stern look. Yeonjun sighs and rolls his eyes before shoving his phone into his back pocket.

"We're in the middle of a crisis, here! A little help would be nice."

"Emphasis on the 'crisis' part," Beomgyu mutters, tugging at the black, collared shirt Soobin has dressed him in.

In all honesty, the outfit isn't half bad, it just doesn't suit him. Whereas Soobin can pull off the all black long-sleeved shirt and dress pants because of his tall, slender frame, Beomgyu resembles a child that raided their father's closet while playing a game of dress-up.

"I don't understand the problem. I think you look suave," Soobin states.

"The fact that you used the word 'suave' tells me everything I need to know," Yeonjun says. He had long since finished getting ready and was waiting for the other two to get done already. "This is a college party, not a business meeting. He's looking to get laid, not to become the next Wallstreet Wolf. What he needs is something that screams sex appeal."

"That doesn't mean he has to go dressed like a male stripper," Soobin argues when he sees the ensemble Yeonjun selects from the clothes he keeps at Soobin's apartment.

The two bicker back and forth until they find a good in between that Beomgyu approves of. They settle for a silky shirt, leaving the first three buttons open to reveal his chest and a pair of form-fitting pants that could pass for formal wear.

Beomgyu stays still as Soobin works on his hair, and Yeonjun applies light makeup on him.

The finished product leaves him astonished.

"Honestly, I'm considering leaving Yeonjun for you, good God," Soobin says as he appraises Beomgyu.

"I wouldn't even blame you. Seriously, Gyu, you look great."

Beomgyu feels overwhelmed by the praise and rushes to Soobin's car to draw attention away from himself.

The sheer size of the party location shouldn't surprise Beomgyu once they arrive, considering he's a friend of Soobin's. Beomgyu can't explain it, but even the elevator music sounds expensive.

Before Beomgyu can step into the apartment, Yeonjun is pulling him aside while Soobin walks in.

"Remember that this is meant to be fun, yeah? Try to let loose a little, make new acquaintances. If you feel uncomfortable, I'm only a phone call or text away. Okay?"

Beomgyu nods and the two head inside. The potent odour of cigarette smoke and sweat instantly hit him. It isn't as crowded as the parties he and Yeonjun usually frequent, but it's packed enough that he had a hard time finding his way to the kitchen and the music is just as loud.

Beomgyu takes Yeonjun's advice and mingles as much as he can. He somehow finds himself in the middle of a debate between a couple of philosophy and psychology students and a dance battle with a few dance majors.

Had Beomgyu not been so caught up in the chaos, he might have noticed the head of faded blonde hair that had been following him all night, conflicted over whether he should approach Beomgyu, if he'd given him enough time.

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