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lee heeseung 이희승 :

- you and heeseung have been close friends ever since the school year started. you're both used to each other's nature. you'd see him quite often, sometimes helping other people too. you even noticed that he does look good. no wonder why he has tons of admirers. it actually took long for you to realize how you feel. at first, you thought that you were just comfortable around him until you finally understand that it's just more than that.

- after a few more months of keeping that little secret you finally decided to tell him. heeseung's eyes widened, staring at you in shock, confusion, and amidst all of those emotions flustered was a part too. "you..like me?" a pink blush crept up on his cheeks. "it's indescribable, hee. i can't even seem to put it into words. all i know is just i really do like and admire you. and not as a friend. more than that." "but still, i understand if you don't feel the same. i just wanted to get it off my chest. it's been months, after al-" heeseung cuts you off and pulls you in a hug. "dummy, i like you too"

park jongseong 박종성 :

- you both met in a café you two wouldn't often spend your time in. jay noticed how you were always there and decided to approach you. fortunately, you both go to the same school too. this is how your friendship began. you wanted to say how you feel so badly, but, you'd often feel too nervous whenever you'd try to. with that being said, you just decided to wait a little longer before telling him. he's quite hard to read so you didn't know if he felt the same. not even a clue.

- you couldn't take it anymore. today is the day you're confessing. you left a note on his desk saying "hi! meet me at our spot :)) -(y/n)". he went there after classes, you were already scared but didn't want to back out either. "what's up?" jay said, suddenly appearing behind you. "JAY I TOLD YOU TO STOP SCARING ME" you glare at him. "c'mon, it can't be help." jay teased. "okay uh..haha" "just say it (y/n)" okay. no backing out. this is it. "i really like you, jay." you say not even wanting to see his reaction anymore. "i feel the same. does this mean we're now a thing, then?" he replied. "HUH? WHAT?"

sim jaeyun 심재윤 :

- your friendship with him started years ago. it was too long ago that you can't even remember when (well, specifically). you'd flirt with each other as a joke, you were fine with it and even found it funny until you started to realize that you wanted the things he said about you to be true. you even noticed how you feel different around him. you like- no. loved his company. it feels diverting, really. it makes you realize that you like him more than you thought. you weren't even ready to confess yet. it just slipped out. "naur, you just like me so much!!" he teased and laugh. "hah. what if i actually do?" you reply, not noticing what you said at first. jake was actually surprised at what you just said. you don't even have the guts to joke about things like that.

- "hey? you suddenly became quiet. you oka- FUCK" you get up and try to run away, (again, you weren't ready.) however, before you were able to do so, jake grabs your hand. "(y/n), please be honest. do you like me?" he asks. it was crystal clear that you couldn't run away now. you look down and say "yeah. words can't even describe how i feel and you even make my heart beat so fast. i realized that i like you way more than i thought. i didn't want to tell you owing to the fact that it can cause to end what we have. i don't want that." he gave you a little peck on your lips. "i like you way more, (l/n) (y/n). and, i've been wanting to ask you this. can i court you?"

park sunghoon 박성훈 :

- just like jay, hoon is indescribably hard to read. you don't even know if he's avoiding you in specific moments because he's flustered or another reason that's completely negative. you've been friends for more than 7 years. you're both there for each other. you didn't expect to fall for him, but, you noticed that there's always this tingly feeling whenever you'd talk to him and whenever he'd do even the simple things it would make your heart flutter. that's when you knew you're falling for him. you love how things are so natural between you both. you could tell each other anything. it felt like home.

- it was late at night, you two were talking about your past relationships. again, you could talk to each other about anything. the way he was so attentive made you feel butterflies. it's always the simple things. you finally had the courage to say it. you took out a letter that you've been keeping for hoon and gave it to him. "what's this for?" "just read it." he had a stony look on his face which made you think that he didn't even feel the same. you started getting nervous. it was awkward for a while until he pulled you into him, holding you close. you felt safe in his grasp. he pressed his lips against your head for a moment. "i like you too."

yang jungwon 양정원 :

- you've always been there for him. ever since you both became classmates, trainees, and finally, idols. when you were both trainees, you once caught a glimpse of him practicing. you decided to make food for him as you weren't even that tired yet. it's for jungwon, after all. you wanted to show him that you care for him even in little ways. "jungwon!" you called out while showing him the food you made. "(y/n)! you didn't have to" he says while pouting. you found it cute. "you're working so hard, after all." the smile he gave you caught you off guard, making you turn away clearly feeling unsure of what to feel.

- as you would spend more time with him, it became a regular thing. taking care of each other even in little ways. you finally understood what this feeling is. comfort, happiness, and love. you realize that you have always liked him you had truly fallen for jungwon. it was his birthday when you decided to confess. you told his members about how you felt and they told you to confess on this specific day. you were confused, but still did it. niki had a suggestion and told jungwon about the statement you were going to say to him. well, just the meaning. "wonie, the moon is beautiful, isn't it?" "yeah! wait- what??" when he was finally able to process everything. he starts caressing your cheek and says "i love you, too."

kim sunoo 김선우 :

- i swear, you and sunoo have the cutest friendship ever. little moments such as him clinging onto you, not allowing others to tease you, watching movies, and many more each made your heart flutter. you swore that this guy is amazing. he makes you smile wider than everyone else. it felt like a floating feeling and he filled every space in your heart. it's crazy how just thinking about him makes you float away from reality. your problems somehow float away whenever you're with him. you admire him so much. you appreciate him from head to toe and inside out.

- you were both having a picnic while watching a sunset. it felt unreal and even cliché, but still cute. "sunoo?" you call, getting his attention. "yess?" "i have something to tell you." you seemed serious, it made him a bit worried at first. he locked his gaze onto you, curious to know about what you have to say. you were quite hesitant too, this made a part of him more curious. "i like you.." you mumbled, hardly audible. a tint of pink slowly crept on your cheeks. "(y/n)!!! say it louder!!" he whines. "i like you!" you sputtered out, turning to sunoo. his eyes began to soften, a smile appeared too. these words made him happy. the way he felt was obvious.

nishimura riki 西村 力 :

- you thought it was just a mere crush, one that would go away after some time. though, the more you hanged out with niki, the more the feelings grew. the was just something about him. his pranks that make you gasp for air because of how much you'd laugh, his passion for countless things, and the way he treasures others. he'd always come into your mind whenever you'd want to do something. "would niki think that this would look good on me?" "what would he think about this dance move?" "will he think that doing this would be good or no?". you're fine with crushes. until you actually realize that it was more than just a crush.

- you'd look at him, sighing, having multiple "what if" questions in your head. you didn't want to ruin your friendship, after all. "(y/n)?? something troubling you? we can talk about it." "niki, i.." "you?.." you shook your head when he asked "nevermind. nothing.". warmth developed on top of your hand. he smiles at you, a faint blush on his cheeks. you sometimes feel like he can read your mind. he definitely did this time, though. it confirmed that he feels the same. 

@yeeunjia on tumblr!

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