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summary: the boys take you on a romantic date after promotions for blessed-cursed

genre: fluff

heeseung - walk in botanic gardens

heeseung radiates walk in a park energy, but not just the local park, hed take you to a botanical garden where youd spend hours just walking and taking. it was the best way to spend time with him, not having had the time for a while to just enjoy each others companies due to enhypens schedules. knowing about your love for wildlife and flowers especially hed even researched what plants were growing at the gardens so he could talk to you about them, which you immediately pick up on and find it so romantic that despite his busy schedules hed taken the time to learn about one of your passions to allow for conversation on another level.

jay - shopping and then dinner

jay gives the aura that hed take you out shopping the day before to buy you a really expensive outfit; complete with shoes and accessories, but if you couldnt make a decision then hed even buy you multiple outfits. you didnt have a clue for his reasoning but jay is too stubborn to argue with about this. without you knowing hed booked a hair stylist and make up artist to come to your apartment to doll you up before your dinner date the next day. hes also the type to not directly tell you what is happening hed either do it through a scavenger hunt around the apartment or tell you to get changed in to one of the outfits he bought you the day before. hed have either booked the most expensive restaurant in town or hed take you to a mcdonalds where youd look so out of place, but thatd be part of the excitement with him.

jake - romantic holiday in Europe

jake would prefer to spend it on holiday with the one he loves away from all his schedules. specifically a weekend away in a European city, but not the typical trip to Paris but perhaps somewhere else that is still beautiful and romantic. for example, he would choose Tallinn, Estonia or Prague, the Czech republic. im knowing that you love walking around the cities you visited, youd be walking the streets of whichever city he chose for the whole weekend, entering every little shop that interested you even if it was a 7/11.

sunghoon - ice skating (duh)

obviously, sunghoon would take you on an ice skating date, this is a no-brainer. hed take you to the nearest ice rink with your matching skates that he had bought especially for today as your valentines gift. hed tie your skates for you as youre sat on the bench and then hold his hand out to walk to the rink. hed hold your hand as you skate next to each other around the rink before finally starting to perform one of your paired figure skating routines from one the first competitions you were paired up for. hed also take you for hot chocolate afterwards to get warm again.

sunoo - movie night/self care night

sunoos is pretty obvious also. this man loves a little pamper party so hell have prepared a bunch of disney films to watch such as encanto, moana and tinkerbell and many others. hed also have prepared a pillow nest with fairy strung across the room , with a huge vanilla and sandalwood scented candle lit on his dresser. hed have gone out purposefully to but a whole ass pamper kit and arranged it neatly in a box filled with rose petals. in the box would be items such as hair and face masks, more candles, some hand creams and even matching bracelets and rings to the ones he had bought himself the other week.

jungwon - go karting then stargazing

jungwon would be the type of man to take you on a date at the local go karting track making sure to learn the track before challenging you to a race. he chose the wrong person to challenge however as this was a track you had raced competitively at as a kid. after spending the afternoon go karting you would think the date was down with and just spend the night at home chilling with him. however after having fell asleep around 10pm, he would wake you up at around midnight to head to the balcony/roof terrace to go stargazing. hed have even prepared a blanket and cushions with some chocolate covered strawberries and mugs of hot chocolate to enjoy.

niki - picnic along han river

niki the type of guy to just go for a simple but adorable date. picnic at han river. the boy would have gotten the rest of the boys help with preparing foods for it as he didnt want to make you sick having to eat his food. hed have asked them to prepare triangle sandwiches, cut fruit, chocolate strawberries, soup of some sort, all your favourite foods. youd spend the whole day there just watching people go about their days. when it got to around midday hed have a nap on the picnic blanket, his head resting in your lap tired out from schedules youd run your hand through his hair, lulling him to sleep. hed wake up a few hours to see you reading a book with one hand, the other still playing with his hair. youd stay at the river to watch the sunset, having to order delivery cause youd ran out of food, before finally leaving after the sun had set.

@kyutekyuala on tumblr

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