9. Back to work

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Tong's POV

I closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep. I found myself tossing and turning in my bed.
"睡不着吗?"(can't sleep?) Linfan's whisper echoed through the room.
I nodded while sighing. I got down from my bed to take a sip of water.
"要不要来我这儿?" (Wanna come here?) She asked again
"可以吗?" (Can I?) I asked

"谁说不可以呢?我打死那个人。" (Did anyone say otherwise? i'll be sure to beat that person up.) Linfan said with an imaginary bat on her hand.

I laughed silently to her comment. I went to her bed and tucked myself into her arms. I felt something weird. I've never had this kind of feeling before.. One side of my mind says that it's just because i'm tired. the other side says because my feelings for her has deepen by a shit load.

"睡吧" (Sleep.)She said as she gently pressed her lips against my forehead. Okay... I guess the feelings have increased yet again. The butterflies that died down in my stomach a few seconds ago had became crazy again. I soon relaxed into her arms and fell asleep.

the next morning

I opened my eyes and attempted to get out of the bed but I felt a tug on my stomach. Fanfan groaned as i tried to escape. "逃不了的,别浪费力气宝贝。" (You can't escape. Don't waste your energy babe.) She whispered. I sighed and turned around to face her. It was only today, that i found that the girl has amazingly beautiful eyelashes. My attempt to touch her face was stopped by her hand. "去刷牙吧。" (Go on to brush your teeth.) She smiled.

I got out of the bathroom and everyone was awake, looking worriedly.

"咋了?"(What's wrong?) I asked.

"你还可以吧?" (Can you still manage?) Shaking asked.

"当然可以。我一定是会被褪去F 班的,别担心吧。"(Of course I can. I'll probably be pushed to F class, don't worry.) I answered with the confidence that i'll leave.

"你怎么能这样说你自己啊!"(How can you say that about yourself!) Linfan exclaimed.

"你再说一遍。再说一遍我揍死你我跟你说。"(Say that once more. You say that one more time I beat you up.) Keran threatened.

"哎呀妈呀,又不是我的母亲,怎么那么唠叨啊。" (My god, you're not my mother. Why are you so naggy.) I complained.

While i was walking to my table, linfan turned me around so that i was facing her. She looked at me straight in my eyes and told me, "不能那样说自己好吗?"(Don't say that about yourself okay?) I was stunned with the sudden closeness then I gave her a warm hug to assure her that i wouldn't do it again.

Time skip

" 前九名会到A班。" (Top 9 will go on to A class.) Kun announced.

"Shaking!林凡!" (Shaking! Linfan!) I cheered.

"太棒了!" (Amazing!) Someone else shouted.

"第十名至二十一名会去到B班。" (Tenth position to Twenty-first position will go to B class.)

"刘雨昕?!" (Liu Yuxin?!) I was stunned, she's such a powerful singer as well as dancer!

"二十二至四十一名会去到C" (22 place to 41 place will go to C class)

"柯柯!你怎么一个人去哪里啊!" (Keke! Why are you alone!) I shouted.

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