18. Home atlas

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Tong's POV
"来吧,加我微信吧。过几天,有时间的时候就去你公司" (Add my wechat. just come to my company whenever youre free.) Yiwen took her phone out and gave me her wechat qr code for me to scan. I opened my wechat scanner and scanned hers, after that we both accepted each other's friend requests. Once it reached my stop, I greeted Yiwen goodbye and got down from the vehicle.

While I was walking home, my phone screen lit up and it was a message from the previous dorm's group chat. "彤彤你到家了吗?" (Are you home yet Tong?) Keke asked. "还有五分钟就到家了。你们早点睡啊" (Five more minutes till I reach. Sleep earlier guys) I reply. I continued my journey home. Finally, I was right infront of my door. I used my fingerprint to unlock the door and put everything down. I quickly took a shower and started to prepare dinner. I texted my cat's caretaker that i'll be paying her a visit tomorrow to collect my cat and to pay her.

As I sat down with my small hotpot I prepared, Yuxin called me. "怎么啦?那么快就想我了啊?" (What's up? Already missing me?) I joked. "当然啦!你吃了吗?" (Of course! Have you eaten?)Keyin asks with a face mask on her face. "哈哈哈哈哈哈, 在吃着呢。舒服不?啊谢雪?" (Ahhahahag! I'm still eating.Very relaxed, yeah? Xiexue?) I threw my head back as I laughed. "真不错!" (Not too bad!)keyin exclaims.

"对了,我刚刚坐车回来的时候跟艺文说了几句话。她问我要不要跟俊浠和她一起跳舞,你说我明天去行吗?还是后天去啊?" (Oh right, i talked to Yiwen just now on the bus. And she asked me if i wanted to dance together with her and An Junxi. Should I go tomorrow ? Or the day after?) I shared. "是吗?我好久没见俊俊了欸!money 也应该很想我们俩吧。" (Is that so? it's been so long since i've seen her! Money should miss us a lot ) Keke says.

"Money 是谁?" (Who is Money?)Yuxin asked in jealousy. "呦呦呦,吃醋了呀?放心是俊浠的狗。" (Woah, jealous already? don't worry, it's junxi's dog) Linfan answered. "你们明天要做什么?" (What are you guys gonna do tomorrow?)I ask out of curiousity. "我们明天没什么东西要做的。要不我们去看看你吧?"(Nothing I guess. How about we go visit you?) Linfan asks. "真粘人啊你林凡!" (Linfan you're so clingy!) Keke exclaims.

"没事没事,也行。你们要几点来?睡晚一点儿吧,十点要吗?我十二点要去接我的猫,有谁对猫的毛过敏的吗?" (It's okay. Sure then. What time do you guys wanna come? I'll let you guys sleep abit more, how about 10am? I have to pick my cat up at 12, so who's allergic to cat fur?) I asked. "柯柯对猫毛过敏。" (Keke is.) Linfan says. "好的,那我早一点儿去拿吧。"(Alright. Then i'll pick her up earlier.) I announce. We ended the call a few minutes later. I did a small spring cleaning before I slept.

The next day

I woke up the next day, preparing to go out to get my cat. I walked to my car and drove to the place. "欢迎光临!" (Welcome!)A staff greeted. "你好,我想来取我的猫。我叫彤彤。"(Hi, I would like to pick my cat up. My name is Tong.) I say as they filled in the information. "稍等。" (Please hold on.) She smiled, and entered the back. While waiting, I sent the address of my house to the groupchat. A few moments later, the staff walked out with my cat and I gently patted her head and put her into the little cage I brought. I drove home and waited for their text.
hiii!!! hope you enjoyed this chapter!! stay safe!!

word count: 512 words

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