20. Unknown Caller ID

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Tong's Pov

I dragged my feet while walking home. I'm gonna miss them so so much. After a few gates, I finally got to sit down and relax. I showered and went to release my cat from her cage. I prepared her food in her food bowl already.

I texted the group chat to ask if they reached the dorms yet. Yuxin said yes and a bunch of random numbers and letters behind it. What the hell? I didn't pay much attention to it. I turned on the television and started to watch the show i was in just a few days ago before i  was eliminated. Just as i was about to tap into the video, I got a call. Unknown caller ID? What? And it's a video call? It's a local number though.

I picked up the call and saw all of my friends tied up to a chair, with cloths stuck into their mouths, disallowing them to speak. What the fuck is going on right now? Then a person with a plain white mask came to the front of the camera "Good evening my dear." The person spoke in perfect American English with a distorted tone.

Grunts and the sounds of the chair screeching again the floor could be heard through the phone. Didn't they just reach the dorms? What the hell?  "What's going on right now? Why do you have my friends? What do you want?" I shot a bunch of questions to the person in the mask. "Oh you know what I want. Don't lie to yourself. Remember how we used to have so much fun back when we were young? Remember the scar you gave me? Yeah its still here. " The person spoke again. Great, we're fucked. I sigh and reply, "Amber. Alright, give me 30 seconds." She permitted that little time. I quickly sent the live recording of the video call to the police, and in that link, I had written, then left the job of stopping her to them.

Amber was one of my greatest friends but I hurt her physically. She was a misogynistic girl, but I intended to help her to get out of that horrible circle of friends who influenced her to be like that. When we were young, we loved to play with each other. Our mothers would complain about how much time we were spending with each other instead of studying.

Then, you must be asking, what scar? One day, when we were playing in the house alone. I suggested that it would be a great idea to cook as our mothers weren't back from their weekly shopping sprees and that we were starving. We were not very tall at that time so we got chairs for us to actually cook. My arrogant self, thought that if my mother did it perfectly before, I could do it too. Amber took some eggs and meat from the fridge and I took the bottle of oil and poured it into the pan I was using. Amber stood next to me.

When we put the meat down, oil started splattering out of the pan. I took the frying slice next to the pan but Amber said that she wanted to try it out. So we played Tug Of War with the frying slice. Amber lost but she lost balance and fell towards the hot oil.

I got scared and ran out of the house with a wad of cash I took from my piggy bank as well as from my mother's safe. I called my relatives staying in China to come pick me up and bring me there at once. I hid at a orphanage for a day. Until they came.

"Look, Am, I am so sorry for not helping you before. So what do you want me to do? Just don't hurt my friends." I say with a regretful yet firm tone.

"We could start off with your 'best friend'? Or should it be your little girlfriend? How about the rapper? Or the wife of  your best friend? So who shall it be? Eenie, miney, mini, moe! Oh look it's the girlfriend. " She says with a pot of something that was steaming on one hand and the other  with a kitchen knife, walking towards Linfan.

"Oh god. Please don't do anything Amber. Please! I'll do anything! Anything! Don't hurt her!" I begged. "Ooh! Protective. I didn't feel that protectiveness back then. You say that you'll do anything? " She chuckled. "Yes! Anything! I beg of you! " I say.

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