16. Gifts

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Tong's POV

"你还有几天?" (How long more do you have?) Linfan asks. "到明天上午一点。" (Till tomorrow afternoon. one o'clock.) I say packing my suitcase and my table. I felt that the atmosphere changed a lot, since we came back from the theatre. "来我们拍几张照吧。" (Come on, let's take some pictures.) Keyin sniffed. "好啊,等一下我们去看看艺文要吗?"(Okay, wanna go visit Yiwen later?) I ask fixing my hair. "一二三耶!"(One, two, three, yeah!) Yuxin says. After the poloriod pictures developed, we all signed the picture on the back and we took one picture each. I put mine behind my phone case.

We went to Yiwen's dorm and wished her all the best. We took a couple pictures with her as well! We went back to our dorm and got ready to go to bed. I woke up after a couple hours of sleep. I went over to the 24/7 mini mart opposite the building to get their gifts. I got some gift boxes, markers as well as cards. I walked back to the building's rooftop to get their gifts ready too not wake them up.

I put some potato chips in Keyin's and Linfan's gift box, then Yuxin's favorite candy in hers. Some sour foods in Keke's one. I got a couple of soft toys for each of them too. I bought instant noodles for them incase they get hungry and then handwritten cards for them. I walked into my dorm room and hid all the gifts under my bed then went back to Linfan's arms.

A couple hours later, Linfan wakes me up. "早安呀。" (Good morning.) She greets. Everyone got changed and I took the gifts out. "哇塞!你几时买的呀?"(Wow! When did you buy this?) Keyin says. "我三四点去买的。但是我有个任务给你们,是我给你们最后一个啊。你们都看好你自己的礼物长啥样。我会把它们藏起来。你们给我十五分钟,我去把它们藏起来。不许偷看哦!"(I bought it at 3-4am. But I have a task for you guys, my last task i'll be giving you. Remember what your boxes look like. I'll be hiding them, give me 15 minutes to hide them. No peaking!) I say. I quickly stacked them up and put each of their boxes in places they'll find themselves.

Yuxin's POV

"三二一!走!"(Three, two, one, go!) Tong shouts.

I walked out to the cafeteria to look for the giftbox, not there.

How about the our previous classroom? It cant be there right?

I walked to the room and found two giftboxes at each of the classroom. I went to my giftbox and opened it up.

There was a letter, a turquoise dragon soft toy and some food inside. The letter said,

"To: 刘老师。

哎呀,我真觉得从我们那么多年没见了,我真的好想你啊。这段时间,我真的为你很开心。你终于找到你等待的人了。这段时间我也麻烦了你,对不起。我希望你会喜欢我买给你的零食和小动物。一定要出道哦!出道了就来看看我!爱你哦,彤彤 "

(To: Yuxin.Aiya, ever since the last time I saw you, I truly missed you a lot. During my time here, I'm really happy for you. You finally found her. I've also troubled you, I'm sorry. I hope you like the snacks and the soft toy I bought you. You have to debut! After that come see me! Love you, Tong.)

I took my gift and went back to my dorm.

Keran's POV

*"三二一走!" (Three, two, one go!)*Tong shouts. I walked to the rooftop is it there? Nope. I walked down the stairs thinking of thousands of possible locations. Maybe it's at the cafeteria. Nope. Is it at the previous classroom where we practiced The eve at. No way. It's really there. I took the box and opened it on the spot. I found a letter, a red dragon and my favourite sour candy!

The letter said,

"To: 柯柯姐姐柯柯!这段时间真的让你担心了,对不起啊。 我真为你和雨昕开心。你不知道她上次一开口就是你的名字啊!真的,我的耳朵快要挂了!我希望你会喜欢我买给你的零食和小恐龙!一定要出道!出道了一定要来找我哦!爱你哦,彤彤"(To: Keran.Keke! During my time here, I've troubled you, I'm sorry. I really feel very happy for you and Yuxin. Last time, once she opened her mouth to speak it would always be about you! My ears were almost gone. I hope you like the snacks and the dragon I got you! You have to debut! After that, come see me! Love you, Tong.)

Aww, she's such a cutie. I took my box and went back to the dorm.

Linfan's POV

"三二一走!"(Three, two, one, go!) Tong shouts. I'm gonna miss her so much. I walked to her previous classroom but didn't see my giftbox. Is it at the cafeteria? I walked a big round in the cafeteria but didn't find the thing I was looking for. Is it at the rooftop ,the playground there? Maybe, I walked up to the rooftop and found my gift. I opened it and round a big stack of pictures full of sunsets, sunrises and the moon. She got me my favourite milk candy, a green dragon, potato chips and instant noodles! There's a letter too!


(To: My baby Fanfan.Baby, when i'm not here, you have to drink lots of water! The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Don't miss me too much! DUring my time here, I've troubled you, i'm sorry. I hope you will like the snacks and the dragon I got you! You have to debut cutie! Don't over stress yourself! Once you get out remember to find me! Love you, Tong.)

My god, what am I gonna do without her. I took my box and went back to the dorm.

Keyin's POV

"三二一走!"(Three, two, one ,go!) Tong shouts. I ran out to the theatre, nothing. The rooftop? Nothing. I walked back to the dorm in disappointment and noticed my giftbox was placed right outside the room! I opened it and saw a letter, some of my favourite snacks as well as a orange dragon soft toy! The note wrote:

"To:可寅Shaking呀,这短时间很高兴可以和你做个朋友!虽然我有麻烦了你一点,(对不起!) 但是我觉得你变成了我生活中一个很好的朋友。希望你会喜欢我给你买的小恐龙和你最爱吃的零食!一定要出道!加油加油!出道了一定要来看看我哦!爱你哦,彤彤"(To: KeyinShaking, I'm so glad I have you as a friend! Although I did trouble you a bit (Sorry!) but you're one of the best people in my life. I hope you'll like the snacks and the toy dragon I got you! You have to debut! Good luck! After you debut you have to find me! Love you, Tong.)

哎呀彤彤你太甜了!(Aiya Tong, you're too sweet!) I walked into the room with my box and put it in my locker. "彤彤你对我们太好了吧!快点!我们一起吃午饭然后我们就送你走了。" (Tong, you're too nice to us!Comeon! We'll eat lunch together before we walk you out.)I say.


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