8. The anger

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I gaze out of the window as Mr. Taylor drives toward the mansion. My mind going back to a few hours ago. His words are still ringing inside my head. 

"I'm not the only one who got injured. Your arm also got scratched while saving my head from getting injured. Thank you and take care, Zoe."

A smile forms on my face as I look out and notice the darkness of the night. In a few minutes, we reach the mansion and Mr. Taylor pulls the car before rushing to my door and opening it for me. I look at him and whisper "thank you" before going inside my room. 

I open the door and look around, the white walls greeting me back with the silence that is engulfing the whole room. I take shower first before doing anything. After a few minutes, I walk out of the bathroom drying my hair and wearing the white nightdress. 

Standing in front of the mirror, I'm greeted by someone I don't recognize anymore, my reflection staring back at me. I place the towel beside the mirror on the chair and walk back to the bed sitting at its edge. 

The moon is shining brightly and a soft breeze is blowing the curtains lightly but it feels cold. I sit against the headboard and close my eyes as my hands start to shake. I open my eyes and look around. A thin layer of sweat forms on my skin as I hug my knees and rest my head on them, whispering to myself.

"I-I'm strong. I won't cry. I'm safe", I continue repeating these words over and over again. I've been living like this for years. And this night will also pass like the previous nights. I will be okay, once again.

It's been one week since I last saw him

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It's been one week since I last saw him. Standing in front of the window of my room, I look outside. The city looks so busy, all lights look like stars to my eyes. Living away from the city makes me relax and at peace. 

My lips turn into a small smile as I close my eyes to reminisce those moments with him. The moments that are unknown to me. The moments in which I feel a need to live again... forever with him. His innocent doe eyes are engraved in my mind. 

My mind is continuously flashing the scenes of the party in front of my eyes when he pulled me towards him I felt in heaven for seconds. The heaven I want to feel again. "What are you doing to me, Ryan?"

I question myself not knowing the answer. Day by day, his impact on me is increasing and I can do nothing to stop it neither I want. I'm walking with the flow, my fate has brought me this way and from now, I will be the one to make my way toward him. I open my eyes on hearing the knock on the door. 

The door opens and Mr. Taylor comes inside. I walk towards the bed and sit on it while Mr. Taylor stands in front of me before he starts speaking. "That man is not uttering anything, but we know who could it be." 

"Kill him and make sure to increase the Security. And one more thing, keep eyes on Ryan."

"Ryan?", he asks when I look at him with raised brows. He nods as he understands the reason. "I want to know everything about him, Mr. Taylor. Every little detail about him", he nods. "Don't worry, his file will be on your table tomorrow."

"Mr. Taylor make sure he is safe. His men probably have seen him with me", Mr. Taylor nods. I don't want any trouble near him. I will keep him safe no matter how hard and to what extent I have to go, "you can go now." I say and look away but Mr. Taylor doesn't go outside. He just stands there looking at me hesitatingly. I sighed and look at him. "What?"

"Your medicines. You need to take them", the anger inside me rises as I look at him. He doesn't say anything, he must have noticed the anger and sadness in my eyes as he gives me sad look. I hate it. I clench the bedsheets in my hands before taking a deep breath. I have had enough.

"Will they save me? Hmm? Tell me, Mr. Taylor? If they will save me then tell me? Why have these medicines couldn't save me for the past few years?! Why I'm still living like this?!"

I shout at Mr. Taylor before taking medicine from his hand and throwing them somewhere in the room. I start breaking things in my room as my whole body shakes with anger. Mr. Taylor looks at me with sadness. Why my life is not normal? Why do I've to pretend everything? I drop to my knees and cry.

"Everything will be right, Zoe", he hugs me as I sit on the floor while gripping my head in my hands. My appearance which holds power is now a vulnerable state. "Find him! Find him! I want to see If he is alright or not!" He nods as my tears drop down my face. 

I suddenly stand up and pick up the car keys before going out and slamming the door. While Mr. Taylor didn't stop me. He knows I won't stop. He just sits there looking at me going out and the last thing I hear from him is asking for God to save me. 

My white dress reaches my knees and my disheveled hair slowly dances to the rhythms of the cool breeze

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My white dress reaches my knees and my disheveled hair slowly dances to the rhythms of the cool breeze. My eyes are full of pain showing the redness in them as I slowly walk towards the small garden which is quite at height in the city. 

A bench in the middle of two trees ahead of which the boundary of the park is secured with the railings. It's easy to see the whole city from that point, a peaceful view I have always liked. My slow steps move towards the railing as I must have seemed lifeless. My shivering hands held the railings as I look in front of me to see a beautiful view but it seems dark in my eyes. 

The lights of city seem like the stars come to land twinkling with their slow and steady rhythm. Why? This is the only word that leaves my mouth when tears roll down my cheeks. The sudden pain runs through my whole body as I grip my head in my hands.

"It's hurting", my voice comes out as a whisper as I take steps back that cause me to stumble. Before I can fall, two arms wrap from behind me supporting me to stand on my feet.  I feel the warmth of those arms holding me closer, I open my eyes only to find him.


Thank you for reading! 

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