|Dodge This, Dodge that, What the hell I'm doing this?!|

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A/n- Sorry, for not updating because I was too busy doing homework and late assignment...😬

"Watch where you going, idiot!" A platinum-blonde hair girl snarled at me.

'Woah, she is tall and beautiful' My face turns little red from her beauty. She looks at me to respond and I don't have a clue what to say to her?!

"U-UM YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL!" I cover my mouth and flushed from my burst.'Great job Y/n, you said something without thinking.'

My thoughts interrupt when a platinum-blonde hair girl laughs at my burst, wait a minute she looks familiar.

"What an ignorant fool trying to compliment my looks," Platinum-blondie said sarcastically.

"Geez, I couldn't tell whether sarcastic or not?"

"That's for you to find out and..."

She walks toward me which causes me to step back from her but my back touches the wall and she is in front of me, my body starts to tremble, and the platinum-blondie smirks like a pack of wolves found their prey.

"Haha, you're trembling...Is it the cold, or just your cowardice?" she steps away from me and glances at me one last time then she winks at me and walks away to a corner where I can't see her anymore.

My thoughts went crazy and reminded myself I have class. When I reach room 3a, I remember that quote then it hit me.


'Oh no, I don't remember Signora being a student...she used to be- never mind, I solved this later right now I have class.'

I walk into the classroom, it looks normal, and everyone is at their sit. "Ah, so you must be Ms. L/n" I turned around to follow the voice it was a tall man who has amber eyes and long black hair with brown tips, but most of which are pulled back in a ponytail.

 L/n" I turned around to follow the voice it was a tall man who has amber eyes and long black hair with brown tips, but most of which are pulled back in a ponytail

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"I hear about you when principal Ningguang announces there gonna be a new student." Zhongli seems to be delightful when he sees me, but I lost 50/50 to Jean. Curse you, Jean!

"Class!" Zhongli walked in front of the classroom. "I want you to meet Y/n" I wave at my classmates and they look at me. ('Just keep waving and smiling at them, Y/n.') My classmates say hello to me in an exhausted tone. "Y/n, sit next to Ganyu." 

I look over the classroom to find Ganyu but I don't know where she is until Zhongli points at Ganyu in the middle row.

('Right, I forgot it's the modern world and everyone looks different without their 'feature', it will be difficult.')

I walk to an empty desk right next to Ganyu, placing my backpack behind the chair. From the corner of my eye, the eyes of a purple multicolored heterochromatic girl look at me.

|Wait, AM I IN A DATING SIMULATOR GAME!?| (Yan! Genshin impact x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now