Question 2

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Greetings Readers, I want to ask you another question but this time is a little longer than usual. Like last the time you can skip the question.

1. Who's the first character to die first?

2. Should  I add more genshin characters? [Yes] or [No]

3. Which character will kidnap you while you sleeping?

4. Do you want to rise the love meter? [Yes] or [___]

5. Poor little sheep is getting chased by a big wolf! What should you do?

A. Hide?

B. Don't Escape

C. ???

6. Where is my little sheep is at? You shouldn't have escaped from me.

7. ?????????

8. Love is poison in your heart that couldn't cure. It's an obsession?

9. "_____ Your blood tastes delicious!  My mouth couldn't stop salivating."
Which character would say that?

10.  "That sleazy slut has been keeping her on your body, I killed her because she seduces you!"

Which character would say that?

11. There's no point in escaping this simulator...just accept it.

12. Game over. You're mine now.

|Wait, AM I IN A DATING SIMULATOR GAME!?| (Yan! Genshin impact x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now