|Art class and more?!|

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Walking through the hallway to find the next school club room. One club that caught my attention.

('Bennett's adventure team? Does Bennett have a club?') I walk over there to the club room. It was opened and Bennett, Razor, and Aether chatting about something.

"Y/n! There you are!" Bennett rushes over to hug me. "Woah there, we just met at lunch and gym." I hug Bennett back and others look to consider.

"Y/n, here's your bookbag and phone. Lumine was trying to find you but she give up." Aether hands it my bookbag and phone to me.

I check my phone for a notification.
('Oh wow, I have 13 notifications from the message and Snapchat.') I don't remember having Snapchat on my phone must be updated.

"Fischl? What are you doing here with-who are you?" Bennett points at others who stand at the door. ('Oh, I thought they know each other in the game.') I started to introduce Bennett to my new friends.

"Bennett, these are my friends.
Xinyan, Xiangling, Xingqiu, Sucrose, Chongyun, Hu tao, and Yanfei." Bennett and Aether pleasure to meet everyone I meet.

"So what's your club about Bennett?" I ask Bennett a question. "My club is about adventure and travel to the unknown." Bennett smiled with pride.

"So, who's in your club Bennett?" Bennett's pride smile turns into a slight frown. "Well...it's just me, Razor, and Fischl but some people who left my club due to my 'bad luck'." Bennett looked away from me, he had sweat drops appear on his head.

('Poor Bennett, he wants people to join his club but his bad luck causes people not to join his club.') "Benny, I wanna join your club." There's a spark of joy in Bennett's eyes.

"Really! That's amazing, wait did you call me Benny?" Bennett looked at me when I say 'Benny' "Since you're my friend and maybe I can you a nickname. If you don't like your nickname I can call you, Bennett."

"N-no I like you to call me Benny." I catch a glimpse of Bennett blushing and his percentage went up 18%.
('Woah, his percentage was at 9% and went up to 18%!? Maybe I turned down the love percentage.')


"Aw, I want to spend more time with Y/n." Hu tao walks up behind me and hugs me. She whispers in my ear saying.

"Regardless of your decision Y/n, if you wanna join my club it's upstairs~." She stops hugging and walks back to the door, and just left. "It's time for me to head to my class also Y/n here's my phone number." Yanfei handed me her phone number.

"Thank you Yanfei and everyone for joining me to explore the school clubs." 

"I enjoy having fun with you, by the way here's my phone number."

"Here's my phone number and chongyun's phone number."

You exchange phone numbers with everyone and gather your bookbag, walking out of Bennett's club room.
But stop when someone calls your name.

"Y/n wait up!" I turn around to catch a glimpse of blonde hair catching up. "Aether? What's up" Aether caught his breath. "Which class are you heading to?" We began to walk.

"Art, what about you?" I stop at the stairs. "I got art as well. Maybe we could walk together to class." I smile at him and give him a response. "Sure let's go." Aether blush.

"O-okay." We walk upstairs to the art room. I didn't see Aether's percent maybe later on.

Aether love percentage went up to 14% :) be careful~.

|Wait, AM I IN A DATING SIMULATOR GAME!?| (Yan! Genshin impact x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now