Female Character 11: Fairy Child

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❝Ability: fly bc wings❞

❝No weapons❞

❝Soft spoken, shy, very friendly, wants to make lots of friends,❞

❝Likes being read to, flowers, playing games, snow, getting new clothes, kind people, crackers, berries, being as helpful as she can.❞—

❝Dislikes when people swat their hands at her like she's a fly or something, being yelled at{will cry at any yelling}, cheese, meanies, violence, seeing people hurt❞

❝Can and will trip on her own hair when she's just walking.❞

❝Her parents are very alive, they just have no rules for her, mostly let her do whatever she wants, and spend however much time away from home as she wants. That being said, she's too terrified to stay away longer than three days.—❞

Scenario One

You noticed a small fairy girl following you for a while. But because she wasn't doing anything you left her be. Actually, it was quite adorable as every time you turned around she quickly hid into trees or bushes. – You chuckle to yourself as you proceeded on with your journey. Unaware of what awaited a few kilometers ahead. Suddenly, you lost sight of the little fairy girl, she was flying a few feet ahead, directly in the middle of the walk zone. A panicked expression on her small frail features, her arms spread as though she could block the entire path shaking her head ‘no’. –You?

Scenario Two

You often resided in a library, and one week a small fairy child had sat near you as you read a book. Her big blue eyes peering up at you, as she shyly tried to peek into the book. Looking back up to you. –You?

Scenario Three

Make something up

Elyra {Individual Fantasy RP} OPENWhere stories live. Discover now