{f i f t e e n - "take care of yourself"}

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things didn't turn out great after felix had talked about wanting to go home. home in which he meant was heaven. to see his mom, his sister. he couldn't bare not seeing them.

he had forgotten how they both look, how they talked. forgotten them but missed the two dearly. chan knew what he always meant in home, felix wanted nothing but to see his mom and younger sister. it pained him a lot to know his grandmother was going next.

"yongbok! come down, someone wants to see you!" he heard his grandmother call for him, he sat up from his bed. sighing as he felt the safety of his room. "bokkie, hurry up. they want to meet you."

he slightly ran down the stairs to be met with seven boys, his jaw dropped. "hi, you know us right?" the tallest one asked, felix slowly nodded. they all chuckled. the young australian was confused to why seven idols met him.

not knowing they all knew him and his grandmother. "h-how do you know my address?" felix asked. the eldest smiled, "we've know you since your mom had you. and as you know, i'm seokjin. aka jin or worldwide handsome."

"your mom was our senior in school. and she's the one that like kept us together and kept the bullies away." namjoon spoke, "miyeon here, she took us in after we all moved here to seoul. as you know, our parents, well some of our parents never acknowledged us going into music. we wanted to come by and say hi. also, introduce ourselves to you."

felix looked at his grandmother, shocked. miyeon giggled softly, "you want to introduce yourself?" felix looked back at the rest, "i-i'm felix, felix lee." he said in his thick australian accent. not knowing he spoke in english.

but the rest understood what he said. yoongi spoke up, "we also want to share you some memories we had of her for our condolences. and get to know you."

after some more introductions, they all had to leave for their schedule was tight. felix got to know more of what his mom was like in high school and college. he learned his mom was athletic and was into school, just like he was until his mom had passed, but still managed to pass classes with a's.

"mimi, why didn't you tell me they were mom's friends?" he asked his grandmother. she looked at him with a soft smile, "i wanted to, but they had told me to wait for what seemed like the right time for them."

felix nodded, "i never knew how she was back in high school. or college. i just knew she was an amazing mom to me and lelia." he smiled at the memory.

his grandmother looked at him and softly smiled, he was lost in thought until he felt eyes on him, he looked up to see his grandmother smiling at him.

he smiled back, the two went to go sit at the couch and began talking about what his mom was like in school. who she met and how, then it ended as a good evening.

the male decided to go to his room to head to bed but as soon as he got to his room, he started crying. he didn't know why but he cried, closing the door, locking it and lays on his bed.

he silently cried as his body violently shook.

back downstairs, miyeon heard her grandson's painful cries. she prayed every night that his mom will always protect him from bad things. she knew he was hurting badly.

it hurt her to see him hurt. since it's been two years after his mom died. she knew she wouldn't be here forever. that he needs to find happiness in himself and become not so dependent on the people.

she knew how it felt to be so dependent on a person for happiness and it shattered her that her grandson's like her too. but she stayed strong, and now she hopes her grandson will stay strong too.


"yongbok! chan's here!" she called out. looking at chan and smiling, "did you eat?" he shook his head, "it's okay, i'm not hungry."

"but you always love my cooking and i made breakfast," she giggled but started coughing. her nurse ran out of the kitchen to aid.

chan got worried, he knew she wouldn't make it further. that felix would be left alone with his dad. and felix's dad wasn't in good shape, but he kind of was getting better.

felix ran down, "mimi!" running over to her and helping the nurse as they brought his grandmother to the couch. "you need to rest today," he told her, "don't do so much in one day. i don't want you getting hurt."

his grandmother smiled at his concern, "i'll be fine bokkie. just take care of yourself." he nodded, "i will. but you take care of yourself too mimi."

chan walked out of the kitchen with a cup of water, handing it to miyeon. she thanked him before drinking a good amount of it. "go eat before you go. i made breakfast."

chan looked at felix, "lix, let's go eat." felix looked at his eldest friend and nodded before looking back at his grandmother, worry written over his face.

"yongbok, i've made it this far. now go eat before i kick your butt." felix smiled at her, nodding as chan led the way to the table.

the two australians took their seats and gotten themselves a plate of miyeon's cooking. "felix?" felix looked up from his plate, "are you okay? do you not want to eat?" chan said, worry in his tone.

felix sent a reassuring smile, "i'm okay hyung," chan nodded, "let's eat and then go, okay?"

felix nodded, looking down at the waffles his grandmother made, along with the omelet. he decided to take a bite from both the waffles and omelet.

he decided to put it away to eat later, looked at chan. "let's go."

felix's grandmother called out, "take care of yourselves! see you after school!"

both chan and felix got ready, going out of the house and to chan's car. heading to school.

a/n: i don't know what i'm doing. i didn't know how to end this chapter. and i'm so sorry it's short. but here's an update.

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