Chapter Ten

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"I bet I could deep throat the fuck out of it."

"I bet I can deep throat more than you." Scott shot back immediately. Tyson and him held their glares at each other so intensely, the tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. The popsicles in their hands slowly melting as neither of them dared to back down.

Oliver and I shifted almost simultaneously further back in our seat watching them. It's been a few days since the park and I sure as hell got a scolding from my mom, I was sure she was going to tear my right ear off with her death grip the second I walked in the door. Right before I could get away and in my room after our "talk" which mostly consisted of her yelling that I just need to tell her before I go anywhere, she insisted I was giving attitude with my lack of responses and took off her chancla so fast I didn't have time to register before it swiped me in the back of the head. My mom although somewhat strict was really the best mom and my best friend aside from Tyson.

"Oh ya? On the count of three."



Before either of them could say three we watched them bring the popsicles as far down as each of them could go. I slapped a hand on my forehead shaking it at the childish behavior. The sound of gagging made me remove my hand from my line of sight, the two of them pulling back.

"You choked you pussy!" Tyson exclaimed with a smug grin on his face.

"At least mine doesn't have teeth marks." Scott gestures toward his popsicle that made me grimace slightly seeing the straight lines of his teeth all the way down. Tyson simply rolled his eyes with a scuff.

"I get my dick sucked not the other way around so it's not like it needs to look pretty."

"But it's a deep throating contest so doesn't that count as cheating?" I chimed in as Scott slammed his hand down at the table, startling the mother and child at the table next to us. The mother shot us a sharp glare and I offered her an apologetic smile.

"No. Oliver tell them I wasn't cheating, you suck dick right? This-" Tyson swung his teeth popsicle around in the air motioning our attention to it. "Is fine, the marks are barely there."

My breathe caught at him asking Oliver for his confirmation on his sexuality. Sure we heard lots of things in our social group about Oliver being gay but he hadn't mentioned it to us once but he also hadn't denied it to be fair. I leaned forward turning my attention to Oliver, my mouth shutting immediately at his trembling form.

He was blushing a deep shade of red. His lips slightly parted in shock. His knuckles were turning a shade of white at how hard he was gripping his sweater sleeves in his hands. He looked almost terrified with wide eyes as he looked at Tyson.

"Hey Oliver it's fine dude, you don't have to answer that if you don't want too. Tyson is just an asshole." Scott clearly having the courage I lack spoke up as he leaned across the table slightly to be closer to Oliver.

"Why do you guys baby him so much? If he likes dick he can just say that it's not a big deal, I'm bisexual." Tyson said with a shrug of his shoulders like it wasn't a big deal.

And it wasn't one but it was in the aspect of he hadn't told me. I couldn't help but feel the slight feeling of sadness that washed over me. I was his best friend, why hadn't he told me? I've known him for forever, literally, yet did he not trust me enough to come out to me? In my perspective your sexuality is your business I could care less but when it's my best friend I almost felt left out. He knew everything about me and probably knew me more than I knew myself honestly. Since when had he stopped sharing everything with me?

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