Chapter 1

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As my face hit the cold air of fall as I left my part time job, I struggled as I heard my phone ringing on cue as I attempted to swing my bag over my shoulders.

I never expected to have two jobs, and I especially never expected to have the job I was about to return to. As I sighed and continued to stuff my barrister uniform into my bag, I finally reached for my phone which I was sure by now slightly irritating the local people around me as it blared out one of my favourite songs from 500 days of summer. Rolling my eyes at the name on the screen, I accept the call and hold the phone to my ear with my shoulder as I take a sip from the coffee I made myself before I had left.

"You know you're pushing it for time?!" Said the woman on the phone. Grinning at how over dramatic she was being, I continued towards the train station while chatting.

"Y'know Grace, you do like to worry, I've got an hour and I'll only take half of that to get ready." I said confidently as I approached the train station. I noticed the strange glances I got from people while I reached for my ticket, later looking down finding my uniform bunched up in my bag while I had my head squished into my shoulder, probably looking like a complete fool.

"Yes, but you don't realise who you're staying with tonight! You should be spending more time getting ready this time around!"

"How so?" I asked while looking up from my bag now to my shoulder, even though she wouldn't be able to see me.

"You know I can't tell you that Tyler, It's confidential." She replied in a motherly tone, but I knew Grace all too well, and if there was a way she could tell me without getting into trouble, she would. And I was about to get her to spill the beans.

"If I'm seeing him tonight then I'll already know, so maybe you could just tell me, or at least something" I phrased my sentences carefully, knowing that if she could tell I was pushing her buttons, she would hang up. After waiting for an answer, I got none. My eyes widened at the possibility of what this could mean, so I decided to daringly ask, "Is he famous?"

There was a short pause before I heard a small voice that I almost missed.


"Oh my god he is" I said almost gobbed smacked. Even though we were one of the best agency's, I would never have expected someone like this to have called us up. Feeling a sense of pride that the agency had chosen me, I thought I could draw more information out of her.

"So why me Grace? I know my reviews are good but I didn't thing they were that good"

"Don't inflate your own ego Tyler, he's been with us before" Grace said in a rush but quickly gasped and hung up. My eyes widened at her reaction. Surely I couldn't figure out who he was just from that one statement. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion on my journey home, but couldn't work out who for the life of me who it could be.


Dropping my keys on the table once I'd arrived home, I went straight to the shower to clean up. While lathering the soap in my hair I still pondered as to whom I would be spending time with that night, and why Grace was so much more tight up about giving out information than usual. I started thinking about what else she had told me about other clients and who she would try to help me avoid, considering her and I were friends before I got into the business, she didn't mind doing me that favour.

Once I was completely dry and picking out a suitable shirt and tie, It began to dawn on my about a certain occasion about how Grace rambled on about a 'popular' client who refused to have the same guy twice, while apparently leaving the people at the agency completely 'lovestruck' as Grace explained, saying how they couldn't stop talking about him. As everything began to fall into place, I suddenly felt excited at the thought that this client my be a more enjoyable one, whoever he was.

Deciding on a suit and tie that was pretty much dark grey and black, I took a few more glances of myself in the mirror, making sure my bleached blond hair was perfect and that I looked presentable for someone famous. As I went to call Grace for the final time on my phone, she beat me to it.

"Tyler?" She said almost anxiously.

"Yeah? What's up?" I asked worriedly, not really wanting to be cancelled on now due to the anticipation.

"I forgot to mention that you need to meet someone from the clients end, he's someone that is always responsible for escorting guests to his room, so I'll have to send you the address as to where you'll be getting picked up"

I nodded numbly when realising I was on the phone.

"Erm, yeah ok" I said quietly. After I had hung up I suddenly felt uneasy, how famous was this guy? and how awkward will it be to meet someone having them know you're a prostitute? I was broken out of my thoughts once my phone alerted me that I had got Grace's message, and I headed out the door, convincing myself that It was just a normal evening on the job.


Stepping out of the uber outside to the streets of LA, I acknowledged that we were parked outside one of the biggest hotels in the city, understanding at least some of the reason as to why I had to be taken here, rather than arriving on my own.

"This way, sir" the man said while gesturing to the entrance. Nodding and gulping back my nerves, I walked inside until I saw the man talking to the woman at the desk, seeing a friendly exchange in conversation and then coming over to me once again.

"She knows you're here on a short visit. Luckily this is the first time in this particular hotel that Troye has had a visitor like this, so there shouldn't be any suspicion. Please head up to room 717, you're free to leave when you believe necessary."

"Okay, thank you" I said awkwardly, walking back a few steps before turning around and heading to the lift. Each step I took towards the elevator doors I felt more and more consumed by nerves. Messing with my hair as I headed inside, I waited until the doors closed until I released a breath I was holding. As I took another breath back in, I felt less uneasy, and continued to remind myself but also believe that this was like any other night on the job, I then suddenly felt my old confidence return and even the pull of a smirk on my lips as I always do before I meet a client.

Pacing down the corridor towards room 717, I had a small bundle of nerves once again, but nothing I couldn't shrug off, especially with the hint of pride that I would be sleeping with a celebrity tonight.

Knocking three times on the door and lowering my head, I remembered the man who guided me here had already mention my clients name. I genuinely thought long and hard as to what his name was, as if knowing a few seconds before him opening the door would somehow put me at an advantage. When I heard the click of the door I was a second delayed at looking up because my eyes widened at who it was. I suddenly remembered I was here to greet him, so I brought my head up to meet the one and only celebrity that had just flashed through my mind. The global sensation and sex god of the century, the one that I even referred to in my own time as the one and only Troye Sivan.

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