Chapter 5

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"You busy tonight?"

Those were the words I wasn't expecting to hear. He spoke them in a hushed, raspy voice as he leaned on one shoulder against the door frame. His slender figure and curly hair almost killed me on the spot and if I had my way, I would jump him there and then.

But I didn't, and I at least tried to keep myself composed.

"Actually...yeah" I said, feeling my own shoulders drop after I thought I saw his fall. I looked up to catch his eye again, and I could have sworn he looked disappointed, but even if he did, he quickly changed that.

"Am I seriously going to have to book an appointment?" He said with a smirk, his eyebrow lifting as he shamelessly let his eyes wander over my body. I felt my face blush at his scrutiny and it took a lot within me to not move under his gaze. It baffled me as to how he was so dominant in person, but then so submissive in bed, pleading to every need. It was a turn on, and I seriously couldn't believe I was turning his offer down for some meal out with friends. Could I cancel on them? I honestly wasn't sure. Even the burning desire to stay with Troye Sivan wasn't enough to make me a selfish person, at least I hoped so.

"I guess you'll have to, as much-" I snapped my mouth shut before I said too much. I forgot that even though he's aware he doesn't hire the same man twice, he doesn't think I know. That cleared up a few confusions as to why he so confidently waited for me and cut straight to the chase, But I was curious as to why he picked me twice. It was obvious I wanted him, but did he have that same lust and want for me? I sure hoped he did.

Just after I snapped my mouth shut, he changed his posture, facing me directly as if interested as to what I had to say. I had my best poker face on, furrowing my brow as he took a step closer, partly because I couldn't give away what I was about to say, but I also couldn't quite understand why he was getting closer. That's when I realised. He leaned in, so close to my lips it was unbearable and took everything within me to not jump him, he let his lips just drift past mine and move past my jaw line, before he stopped at my ear, before whispering so lightly I almost missed what he said.

"Well if you change your mind-" He delicately said, looking down to take my hand in his "-call me" He said with a low and husky voice, causing a shiver to go up my spine. He moved away from me then, dropping my hand and flashing me a smile, before walking away and out of the coffee shop.

I stood there, completely still and flustered at what just happened. I felt something in my hand after Troye held it, I opened it up to find a piece of paper, with a few digits scribbled onto it. I gasped. Troye Sivan had just given me his number. Was he fucking with me? Could I be certain that he had just given me his number? I paused for a moment before saving the number into my phone, throwing the piece of paper away. Now with my mind completely flooded with mixed feelings about what to do, I struggled to take basic steps as I approached the door, heading back to my flat to get ready to see my friends that night.


The evening with my friends actually proved to be quite a good distraction, having a meal out with just a few of my guy friends, I was able to catch up and push back the thoughts of Troye Sivan. But as the night got later, I began to feel more and more of an urge to leave, as if I didn't have much time left. Once we returned to my friend Connors house after our meal, it allowed me to sit with my own thoughts while laughter continued to ring out around me. I didn't realise I was sat in a daze until I was broken out of my thoughts by my friend Korey.

"Hey Tyler are you listening?" Korey said, smiling at my absence. I shook my head and smiled at my behaviour. Korey was one of the few people who knew me well, and even though I hadn't told him about my occupation, he knew everything else about me.

Addiction - Troyler AUWhere stories live. Discover now