Chapter 10

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Authors Note

Sorry for the long delay! Hopefully next time I wont be taking as long to update!

Btw, I just wanted to mention an important detail about this story. When a song from Troye's EP TRXYE is brought up, lets assume that none of the songs give any indication of gender, hypothetically saying that they contain no gender pronouns like they do in the real thing like 'his' or when he refers to 'boy' in the song Fun.

I though it would be important to state this since he is closeted in this AU, so it would seem obvious that his songs wouldn't give away his sexual orientation.

Oh and also- Big smut scene in this chapter ;)

Okay, I'll leave you to it!

enjoy xoxox


*Time skip*

For a while, me and Troye continued to visit each other occasionally on my days off and when he said he was available. It became an odd routine, and neither of us said anything about what exactly we were. Each time I stayed with Troye, it became easier and easier for us to talk, and I didn't feel as nervous about overstepping boundaries with him.

Grace continued to keep tabs on us, constantly asking questions, but I was never able to answer them. Troye and I lived in this strange moment where we ignored the outside world for a bit, and just valued what we had.

One thing I never understood however, was why he was so cooped up about the issue of his family, did they fall out? I couldn't be too sure. My affection for him began to grow and it would only become harder to deal with when he had to leave LA. He never left for more than a week, which gave me a strong sense of security that he wouldn't be gone for too long for us to fall apart, because as each day passed that we spent together, I felt as if we became more connected in some sort of way, even if he was paying me to stay with him.

"So what do you mean the weather confuses you?" I asked him a second time, realising he wasn't listening. Even when we had become closer and spending time together, he never failed to zone out and take longer than most people to answer.

"Um, I mean it's throwing me off balance, it's as if I'm expecting the weather to get warmer, but it's doing the opposite." He replied, looking up to meet my gaze. I felt a surge of butterflies go through me at his intense stare, and I mentally slapped myself at my reaction.

"It can't be that bad, we are in LA after all" I answered to his statement. He replied with a small smile, not looking my way, and appearing to be lost in thought. I felt the conversation dying, and I often found myself in these situations while with Troye, and I often kept making attempts at bringing the conversation back to life, considering I felt my own affection for him growing. But, on rare occasions, he would beat me before I could bring up a new topic, which was new for him, but I wasn't complaining.

"By the way, I wanted to ask you..."

Like that.

I looked up to him cracking his fingers, and I suddenly couldn't help but reach for his hand. We were in a hidden cafe on a smaller street in LA, so I knew the gesture shouldn't cause any problems with fans. My action startled him as he appeared to jump out of his own skin, which I noticed was something that happened to him a lot- it never took much to surprise him.

When I started to crack his fingers, his expression appeared to show how he was about to say 'ouch' or any other sign of discomfort, but he never made a sound, and continued to let me crack his knuckles. And I was glad, since it was an odd habit of mine, and it was an excuse to hold his hand.

Addiction - Troyler AUWhere stories live. Discover now