Chapter 3

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That night when Tyler asked to sleep next to me, I felt a strange wave of nerves at how sensitive he was towards me. Something was different about him, and I couldn't see myself never speaking to him again.

As I sat awake for a few hours, I had a thought that haunted me as usual- that I was alone. For such a long time I had been away from the people who meant the most to me, and the last close connection I had fell to pieces.

Feeling the need for company, I decided to grab my phone and headed into the bathroom, before glancing at Tyler to confirm that he was asleep. Once I was sure, I dialled my home number, waiting anxiously as the tone rang out multiple times.

"Hello?" Said a familiar voice that I once spoke to each morning.

"Hey Sage, It's great to hear your voice, is mum there?" I said while smiling widely. Hearing Sage's voice was so incredibly valuable. I suddenly felt as if I could sit on the phone with her for the rest of my life.

"TROYE! Hi oh my god, how are you? I'll get mum when she's finished walking the dog"

"Okay" I said with my smile stretching from ear to ear. The sound of family phrases and the ringing of my home peaking through the phone was enough to make me on the verge of tears. "I'm great Sage, how are the Mellets?" I asked, now biting my lip, trying not to cry.

"Really good! Tyde got into the university he wanted most!" Sage said excitedly, a slight squeak in her voice while doing so.

"That's amazing Sage, tell him I'm so proud of him." I said while feeling a tear run down my cheek. My youngest brother is at university, but I didn't even get to see him go.

"Ah Troye mums home!" Sage said faintly as he voice moved away from the phone. My heart sped up at the idea of hearing Laurelles voice again, but also at the news I had to tell her.


"Mum! Hi it's so nice to hear you"

"My dear I'll have to tell your dad that you called when he gets home. what time is it over there?"

"Mum don't worry, It's only 2am. I couldn't sleep anyway" I said now feeling the tears fall down my face at her typical questions. I hated that I wouldn't be seeing her for another 3 months. "By the way, I have something I needed to tell you anyway" I said now trying to hold back from sniffling.

"Honey what's wrong?" Laurelle asked concerned. I wiped the tears away from my cheeks and decided to just tell her.

"Y'know how I said I'd be returning to Perth for a bit over Halloween? Well the crew have told me it wont be possible. The studio times are booked back to back at the moment and I-I can't see you until C-Christmas" By this point I completely broke down. I hated this. I hated feeling completely alone and unable to push away the need for a connection, and dealing with it through sex.

"Oh dear it's alright, don't get yourself down too much, Is it not possible for us to come out there?"

"I would really like you to, I really would, but they said I'd be pretty much 'unavailable', plus the cost will be too much, but thank you"

"You know we've got your back Troye" Said another familiar voice ringing through the phone.

"Steele?" I perked up, not aware that he was home with the family.

"That's me" I could hear the smile in his voice as he replied, but I felt even more ashamed that even my brother who travelled the world, had time to see his family.

"Skype us soon honey, wont you?" Laurelle perked up again. Nodding numbly while just humming in reply and feeling the tears roll down my face again.

"I miss you all so much" I sniffed trying to regain control, hoping that maybe the crying could at least help me fall asleep.

"We miss you too, now get some sleep" Steele chipped in, knowing I would listen to him. Saying my goodbyes and hanging up, I stared down at my phone hopelessly. Wishing I could just have a few days to myself and not worry about my career for a bit, even though I adored it.

Looking back in the bedroom, I saw that Tyler had moved, but was still asleep. I stood up slowly, not trusting my legs to support me, and wandered back onto my side of the bed.

As I looked at the man lying peacefully in my bed, I secretly wanted him to stay forever. Never to leave my side so that I would have someone to return to after having a shit day.

Shaking these thoughts out of my head, I slightly panicked at my clingy behaviour.

"what am I thinking...?" I muttered out loud, genuinely curious as to why I was thinking such strange things.

Gently pulling the covers back, I carefully rested myself next to Tyler, but this time facing him as I drifted off to sleep.

Addiction - Troyler AUWhere stories live. Discover now