Chapter 6

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The whole pavilion turns toward the hill and pine tree. I look just in time to see a small figure collapse just inside the boarder. I can tell that something's terribly wrong, even from here. I sprint toward the small body on the ground.

Once on the hill, all the campers who are there can fully understand the situation. There's two huge monsters that I can't put a name to fighting to get through the boarder. A small girl lies crumpled to the left of the pine tree.

A group of armed campers runs down to confront the monsters while I kneel next to the girl. She could only be 8 or 9 years old. With the help of my sword I rip off the sleeves of my shirt. One of them I press to the cut on the girl's head. Her pants are ripped badly around a gash in her leg, which I hold my other sleeve to.

"Someone hold pressure on her head," I command. A group of campers had gathered around to see the commotion. Two pale hands take over for mine on the girl's head. I don't even look to see who it is.

I hold the gash in her leg with one hand and examine the cut on her stomach with the other. This one must have poison because it's rimmed with green and black. I return my sword to goggle form, put them around my neck and scoop up the girl in my arms.

I look up to see that it was Nico who had helped out.

"Thanks," I say. He pulls his hands away, now covered in blood. I take the girl to the big house, laying her on the same bed I had used. An Apollo kid takes over, cleaning the wounds and stuff because I only know basic first aid.

Annabeth pulls me out of the room and makes me change into a clean shirt. After that I sit on the porch in a rocking chair, chewing my nails in anticipation. Finally the Apollo girl comes out to get me. "She's conscious," Is all she says.

I step back into the room, suddenly nervous. The girl is sitting up against a pile of pillows. Her hands are laying on top of each other, completely still. Her light brown hair flows in waves over her shoulders. When she turns to look at me I'm confronted with a pair of dark purple eyes. Freckles are splashed across her nose.

"Hi, I'm Ames." I say quietly. "Valca." Is her only answer. "Are you feeling any better? You looked pretty bad on half- blood hill." Her purple eyes stare straight into my sea green- ish, blue ones. "I should not have come," she whispers.

"Oh, no. You haven't caused us much trouble. We get new demigods all the time." I reply.

"I didn't mean that. I was sent to find a daughter of Poseidon and a son of Hades."

My brain stops.

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