Chapter 28

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I lie on the bottom of the lake where no one can bother me, thinking about the prophecy. Nico told me not to overthink it because you can never understand the meaning of a prophecy until it plays out, but I can't help but replay those words in my head. I groan in frustration and sit up, startling a fish overhead. Gently, I push off from the bottom and float to the surface. I find Nico walking down the dock toward me. He smiles slightly, "Thought I'd find you here."

I smile back, "Yeah. You were right though, I don't need to overthink it."

"Don't tell me I'm right, I might get a big head," he smirks, sitting down.

"Nico, you know how communications are beginning to go down?" I ask.

"Mmm, yeah, it's annoying," he acknowledges.

"I should have told you this earlier, but I've been recording this whole thing. Since that monster attacked me at school," I explain.

"Umm, so a bunch of random people know about our undieing love for each other?" He asks, slightly sarcastic.

I grin, "Well, yeah. But communications are getting fuzzy and I won't be able to broadcast anymore."

"Why are you telling me this?" He asks.

"I had to tell readers," I explain.

"Oh, well maybe...."

The line goes static. You'll have to discover for yourselves how Ames's quest turned out. Does she save her dad? Does Nico stay with her? Once communications are restored, perhaps Ames can complete her story. Until then... her fate is in the minds of the readers.

I wrote this story in hopes that it could be consistent with the Percy Jackson storyline. Now that Trials of Apollo is out, I wanted to finish my story and allow it to continue to be consistent. For those of you who've read Rick's latest book, this takes place right before Apollo arrives at camp and the Oracle stops working. I'm sorry to dissapoint anyone, but I hate to bend the storyline any further for my fanfiction. Thank you so much for reading!


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