Scenario #7|| Your Injuries

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Mark|| You come in, hobbling on crutches.

Mark looks over and sees you. "Hold on." He says to Derek.

He jogs over to you and supports your left side.

"Hey you." He kisses your cheek. "How're you doing beautiful."

"I'm fine Mark." Your try to hide the small amount of pain searing through your right leg.

"You're sure?" He sits down and pulls you into his lap.

"Yes. Mark, I promise, I'm okay. don't worry about me." You snuggle you face into his chest.

"I'm going to worry. Seeing you like this hurts." His forehead touches yours as starts to inch his lips towards yours. "Because, I love you." He says in between kisses.

"C'mon get a room!" Derek hollers from across the room.

"Shut up!" Marks calls back.

"Ow." You pretend that a sudden sharp pain runs up your leg just to get his unbreakable attention.

Mark turns back to you. "Hey what's wrong babe."

"It hurts."

"Hey, it's okay. You need something?" He asks.


"What? What do you need?"

"A kiss." You smile.

"Tease. Jesus babe, you scared me."

"So no kiss?" You make puppy dog eyes to him.

"God, I can't resist those eyes." He smiles before meeting his lips to yours.

Derek|| Henry accidentally drops you and you land awkwardly on your leg.

"Oww." You hiss as a sharp pain shoots through your foot.

"Oh my god (y/n) I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-" Henry exclaims.

"I know you didn't Henry. It's okay. I'll be fine." You reassure him.

Derek rushes to your side, leaving Peta's side to help you.

"Can you walk babe?" He asks, being the protective boyfriend he tends to be.

He helps you up and you try to take a step, but your ankle rolls.

"No." You answer.

"Alright guys, keep working on the number, we'll be back soon. I'm going to help (y/n)." He directs.

Henry, Peta, Emma, Alan, Jenna, Artem, Val, and Lindsay nod.

Derek lifts you bridal style and caries you out of the room.


Henry buries his face in his hands. Emma places a hand on his shoulder.

"Henry (y/n)'ll be fine." She's says.

"I know, I just feel bad." He answers.

"Things like this happen sometimes." Val reassures him.

"And not to mention Derek'll kill me." Henry worries more.

"No he won't." Artem replies. "He knows this was an accident."

"Speaking of which; do any of you realize how great of a boyfriend Derek is to (y/n)?" Jenna asks.

"Oh no. Here it comes." Alan jokes.

"What it's cute how protective and sweet he is to her." Peta argues.

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