Imagine #3: {Val}

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This is a continuation of the scenario I used in the injuries story.

"Why are we even fighting about this!?" Val throws his arms up in exasperation.

"Because you kissed another girl Val. That's why we're fighting about this!" I scream back at him.

"I told you! It was America's choice week! That's what they wanted!" He repeats for what felt like the 1000th time that night.

"What about in the freestyle?" I scream back as tears stream down the side of my face.

"(Y/n) why are you worried about this? You know how I feel about you. No one can come between us." Val takes my hands in his.

"But right now that doesn't matter. You know I love Janel, and I'm not blaming her for this. It just feels uncomfortable that the two of you are okay with this. I don't want to lose you to one of my best friends. And the people who want you together, they don't help." I confess, knowing I'm cracking under pressure. I quickly snap myself back into the angering situation.

"I promise (y/n) don't worry about anything. My feelings won't change about you." He kisses me, but I don't kiss back.

He pulls away and realizes what just happened to him.

"Fine you're going to be like this?" He picks up his jacket.

"Val wait. Please." I quietly say, as more tears stream down my face.

He either ignores me, or doesn't hear me as he walks out the door slamming it behind him.

As soon as the loud bang of the door hits the frame, tears continue to run over my face.

What have I done?
Sasha lifts me high above his head, but my grip loosens and I fall off his shoulder, my head hurting the ground.

"Oh my god (y/n) are you okay?" Sasha rushes over to me.

I can't speak, so you just lightly shake my throbbing head.

"I'm going to call Val for help. Is that okay?" Sasha asks.

You barely nod.

Sasha puts his phone on speaker at a low enough volume so it won't hurt my head as he calls Val.

"What's wrong?" Val's voice asks.

"It's (y/n)" Sasha pauses.

There's no response on the other line.

"What happened?" Val's voice seems unstable and tries not to crack.

"We were practicing our dance for your and she slipped off my shoulder, her head hit the floor pretty hard." Sasha explains. "She wants you to come."

"Let me talk to her." Val insists.

Sasha hands his phone me.

"Hello?" I say cautiously.

"(Y/n)?" He asks. "Are you alright?"

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