Ch. I - King's Circumstance

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It has now been 1 year ever since King Dann has been crowned. Their father had already passed away as the year had gone by. The six princes however, have found their mastery in the art of swordsmanship, archery, literature and many more. They are destined to be on the path of future Kings.

King Dann on the other hand, was just like his father. Caring yet harsh to those who defy and lack respect to Dann himself. On his spare time, he has also gained more skills in swordsmanship and archery. A lethal king is what people would call King Dann.

"Dann!" yelled Chiwoo, speed-walking up to his kingly brother. He bowed in respect and kneeled on one knee. He began to speak as he stood up from the ground. "Dann, they are back again. They are terrorizing the poor innocent and stealing whatever they wish! O, what shall we do?"

"Who's they Chiwoo?" King Dann had asked, getting the movement to stand up and deal with the situation himself. "Also, no need for formal talk. You are my brother, it's too much for my own siblings to talk to me in such a formal manner."

"Sly Swords. They're back," Arthur came behind Chiwoo, and kneeled onto one knee and stood back up.

"Sly Swords... those bastards. I thought you six had taught them a lesson five months ago?" King Dann was pissed at the fact that the gang known as, 'Sly Swords' were attacking his kingdom once more.

Sly Swords are a gang of no-good thieves who  are also warriors who attack the innocent and poor. They have been attacking King Dann's kingdom over and over again for the past year. King Dann stood up from his throne and announced, "Well, I have no choice. They wanted it so let it be."

"Chiwoo! Arthur! Round up the rest. Tell them to meet me at the entrance of the palace. You, prepare my gear. I would have to get a bit acrobatic with this," King Dann ordered his two brothers to round up the rest of the princes. He then also ordered a servant to prepare a special type of clothing whenever King Dann would have to hands-on duties.

After King Dann had worn a sleek yet traditional type of a warrior's wear, he slipped on a sword, and a bow and arrow that was once wielded by his father.

Storming off to the outside gate entrance, he could already see his six siblings all geared up. Rushing, Dann could already hear complaints.

"Dann, why did you call us?" Louis asked, unaware of the situation.

"The Sly Swords are back. These type of persistent bastards won't give up. Might as well teach them a thing or two," Dann replied, fixing his clothes and placement of his gear.

"Sly Swords? Didn't we banished them back to their own kingdom five months ago?" questioned Jahan, unsure of why such a situation would happen again.

"That's the thing idiot. Sly Swords will TRY to get what they want," Arthur spat out while Jahan gave him a death glare.

Mujin gave both Jahan and Arthur a menacing glare that the both of them settled down. "Might as well give them pain," Mujin said.

They all nodded and King Dann bursted through the gates with his siblings. From there, all eyes were looking at them, whispering and muttering of what was going on.

"Tell me, where have you last seen the Sky Swords?" questioned Dann loudly. All the folks people pointed towards to the dark part of his kingdom. It was where Mujin and Jahan guarded as it was the "saddest" part of Dann's kingdom.

"Dark Passages! Why are they there?" Ivan was confused of why would Sly Swords strike such a "sad" part of a kingdom.

"They're not here to steal... they're here to take off some numbers in population," Dann gritted his teeth and ran into the dark with no hesitation as he now realized of what why Sly Swords would be in such a minimal part of the kingdom. The six quickly caught up to him.

"Chiwoo and Arthur! When you came to me to report that Sly Swords were back in the kingdom, where did you last see them?" Dann asked while running. Dann ran as fast as he could to get to the area right away.

"The marketplace!" they both answered as they tried to keep up with their older brother.

"As I predicted... they're much more faster!" Dann scoffed and gained a sudden boost of speed, outlasting his six brothers.

"God damn! Wait up!" Ivan complained as the rest had finally caught up to their brother. As they got deeper into Dark Passages, there were no more people but in front of them were the enemies they were bound to find.

"You. I should have known you were behind this," spat out Dann, clenching his fists in anger as his teeth were clenched together.

"King Dann. We finally meet and these six? We've met alright," the female responded as another person came right behind her.

"Now who are you supposed to be?" questioned Dann, preparing to unsheathe his sword.

In a blink of an eye, Chiwoo was injured as a cut deep into his waist which made him lose blood.

The five had gathered around Chiwoo but the rest were already mere targets in seconds. From there, they were heavily injured, losing blood as time went on.

"Damn it!" Dann yelled. "Who or what the fuck are you?" Dann was furious, furious at what speed and power could overcome the seven of them. They had already injured the six princes but left the King for last.

"Like my new member? He excels in almost every single stat in athletics. Meet Codename: Trice," the female had said, announcing the name of the person who had hurt Dann's brothers.

"Dann..." Mujin had said under his breath and Dann completely lost it and unsheathed his sword. Jumping to land a hit onto the two, Dann was then launched back towards a stone wall, hitting his head and became unconscious. As he previously jumped, his eyes had a glare of fire but it was so dim; no one could see such a glare.

The six princes saw what happened to their older brother and with all their strength, they tried to go and help him despite of their injuries. However, all in one go, the sound of a sword pierced the barrier and the six princes fell to the ground with their heavy bodies as the puddles of blood were spreading. The King was unconscious and was the last time he saw the six princes.

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