Ch. II - A Promise Broken

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King Dann's heart rate began to race and he sprouted up from a bed. He could not remember what had happened as it was slowly coming back to him.

"Where am I?" he asked, shaking his head as a dizzying feeling was lingering in his brain.

"Your highness! You're awake. The guards have found you unconscious in Dark Passages. What has happened?" a servant asked while two nurses had cared for him as King Dann was unconscious. King Dann was silent for a few minutes as he was thinking. The memory of him getting unconscious was slowly coming to him. However, he did remember another thing.

"Where are my brothers?! Are they okay?!" King Dann yelled, wincing as he was still hurt from the blows taken. The servant bowed his head, hesitant to tell the answer to the King.

"Tell me!" he demanded but the servant told King Dann to come with him. Dann had a feeling in his stomach, a bad one. As he slowly walked with the guidance of the servant, he began to realize what he had been telling Dann.

They had reached the main entrance of the Moon's Hall and from there, King Dann had kneeled down in defeat, unbelieved of what terrible event had came upon him.

"It's all my fault," Dann's voice was beginning to crack as tears welled up in his eyes. "I was not strong enough to save them from that... beast!"

Without the strength to even uncover the blankets of the six, Dann already knew what has happened. The death upon the six princes and brothers was the only thought that King Dann could ever think of.

"Tell each and every single soldier out there that they will intensify their training. They will need more strength as Sly Swords have a much more stronger arsenal. If defied, they will have to speak and deal with me," Dann's tone began to boom and echo the hall. It sounded as if he became a new person. The servant then went away to obey Dann's orders and King Dann had left the hall, nodding his head as he looked back.

As days gone by, Dann's hair had been changing with strands of black being coloured with dark tones of red. He was beginning to have the same terminology as Arthur and Louis but... it had Dann radiating a much more menacing aura.

Everyone looked at him, concerned as his hair was changing at a slow pace but it felt like he had changed. All that Dann could give was a soft smile to rest assure everyone that gave great concern to the King.

The servants muttered of why Dann looked so stern with his actions. On guard for any ambush as they did not know the whole story. The story of how Dann lost his six brothers all due to one person and one person only. All Dann could do was prepare for the next attack.

The gates were closed and the palace was completely shut off from the public. King Dann had been training his soldiers for days, weeks and almost months but King Dann was no cruelty towards his own people. After their hard work, King Dann offered them a 2-Day break to spend leisure time with their families and friends but would continue the training again. Until finally, Dann's soldiers were like the Iron Wall. A sword so sharp that could cut through the toughest material and the speed of light. His soldiers had reached their peak of their training.

"Excellent!" cried the King, happy as he saw the strength within them. "Now, you may do as you wish but never let your guard down. I guess it's time for me also, to do the same."

"Yes, King Dann!" the soldiers had responded respectfully and they walked out of the King's Room as Dann sat his throne and stood up.

As Dann went to sleep, he had been suddenly having these dreams or visions as he calls it. It has been going on for the past few days and it felt like that he could resurrect his six brothers but it would always result him waking up as the result of his vision neared.

"Are you sure your highness? I know it's hard to take in but... it just seems so absurd," a servant had said, still concerning about her King.

"It's just that... all this time I've been thinking about my brothers. Arthur, Chiwoo, Mujin, Jahan, Ivan, and Louis. I have let them down and my efforts are in vain. If only they were here right now," Dann sighed heavily and a tear had ran down his face. He had regretted almost everything that day and wants to rewind the past so he could save his brothers.

"But... I guess you're right. Maybe I'm just overthinking this," said Dann and left the female servant and the room with a solemn atmosphere.

Late in the night, King Dann has woken up once again with the same vision. At this point, he knew of where the location was upon this land and he felt like he needed to end his visions and make it come true. For servants that were awake late at night, the King had confronted them and telling them to not worry as he was about to head out. The servants nodded and Dann had turned away to ride his horse.

'It might be absurd but... this won't get off my mind! If I could make it come true, then I could get this over with,' Dann had thought as his clothes fluttered in the wind. His horse galloped as fast as it could as Dann needed to make such a vision come true. As the stars travel through the night sky, all that was heard was the heavy galloping of Dann's horse.

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