Ch. VIII - Fight Fire with Fire

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Trice looked at the figure right before them and wanted their power. Especially when that specific figure was Dann himself.

Dann who was surrounded by blue flames had been transformed as his eyes glow blue and trail a blue fire. His hair was dark blue and grew long; it had looked like the warriors from the old eras of time. His clothes were black and blue, engraving the blue bird onto his back who was known as Arario. Finally, his sword. Once unsheathed from its scabbard, it would unleash a wave of flames and the sword had designs of fire as well. All the power that had suddenly came to Dann was like it had finally awakened him or "ascended" him from the North's power.

"Yes... yes! The almighty vessel of Arario has come right upon my eyes! Once I end your reign, I will gain unlimited power once I seize the grand power of the blue bird!" Trice was on the verge of insanity. Seeing Dann's top notch transformation, they could not help but to get that power for themselves.

"Don't push your luck," Dann said firmly and expressionless. It felt like Dann had matured so much that it seemed like those high, demanding legends that could knock down even the toughest of mountains.

"I don't need luck; that's because I have this!" Trice unleashed a red cyclone of flames upon themselves and Dann lowered his gaze as he watched Trice transform into a monstrous type of figure. Red, bloodshot eyes that had no sense of sanity, their fists were engulfed in the red flames that surrounded them and their hair changed into a flame like look and their anger lit the hair whenever enraged.

Trice's sword and clothes were identical to Dann's which made Trice go on the same level as the King himself.

"Not half bad. Now, let's dance. Me and you!" Dann dashed forward and wings of blue fire appeared onto Dann's back and his eyes that glowed ferociously trailed along with him just like neon lights.

Quickly unsheathing his sword close towards Trice, a shockwave of flames came from the sudden pull of Dann's hand and Trice was pushed back heavily but retained their ground.

Trice looked up at Dann and growled furiously as Dann was playing hard to get with his power. However, nothing could stop Trice from getting this godlike power to exceed human society.

Dann's sword was finally revealed fully. A long, straight sword with a slight curve that had its edges very sharp. It was crafted by the most finest metals and was very sleek and light to use. It does bring quite a punch as blacksmiths made the edges so sharp, that it can cut the toughest material in just two quick slices. The design was on it was the blue flames raging and roaring as it stays as the hottest fires within human society.

"Not half bad... now my turn!" Trice dashed forward and unsheathed their sword, however due to their form being a complete copy of the "Ascension," there was no shockwave of fire, instead it was just a normal action.

"What?!" they yelled furiously, shocked of why their sword could not do the same as what Dann had did. They growled and screamed while rushing towards Dann but Dann grabbed them by their clothes and threw them in the air which changed the battlegrounds.

After throwing Trice up, Dann jumped and blue fire pushed him upwards. It had similar properties towards rocket boots. However Trice could do the same as well. The battle had been switch into airborne mode and thus begins the true battle. The fight on the ground was just a mere warmup so let the battle begin!

The moon felt like it was behind them and they began clashing into each other into the sky. Each blow had shockwaves of blue and red that would explode in the sky, making it so noticeable, everyone had their eyes onto it. The Dragon of the South looked at the fight from a distance and roared loudly. The Dragon for its friend to bring back of what was stolen to from him.

Of what events have occurred that may felt short, however to the fighters, minutes felt like hours. Hours could go on for days. Their power level was quite equal but one had enough of playing the same game over and over.

"Enough fucking around! It's time to finish your time of reign Dann," Trice's eyes emitted a devious red and dark red flames covered them fully. Rising up to cover the moon, the sky was soon red as if it was the world's last day.

The townspeople looked above and quivered in fear and clueless of what was going to happen towards their king. All they could do now was to hope that their King may survive and END the slaughter that this day has brought.

Dann turned his back on Trice and lowered his head. Trice grinned like a maniac and the flames around them turned into a dark red phoenix. Dashing towards Dann, ready to slice his head off, and thought it would be an easy kill, however, the flame's end began to extinguish and the red sky began to slowly turn to a bright blue. Right at this moment, was the sudden pause of Dann's piercing blue eyes onto Trice's and the feeling of fear was finally upon the opponent.

Trice's body was quivering, hesitant, and most importantly, losing stabilization of the copy of Arario's Power. Dann, on the other hand was just holding Trice's blade with mere effort.

"You can never beat the real deal Trice," Dann said powerfully and it broke Trice themselves. They were shocked, in disbelief, and all their efforts to gain maximum power were just an act. "Besides, you have something that belongs to ME."

Dann threw away Trice's sword for who knows where it landed and by a type of sorcery, as both Dann and Trice hovered down, Dann was absorbing the power right out of Trice's own body and six blue teardrops of clouds surrounded Dann's being. Trice could not fight back as their arms and legs felt like they were tied together but they saw each and every single bit of their power go away. Trice was officially powerless.

Finally back onto the ground, Trice fell as they were weak and no strength and the townspeople who saw them land, had their eyes fixated onto the King and his new appearance. He squatted down towards Trice, hoping that the words he would say would change his life.

"You may have done great damage towards this world. However, some people deserve a second chance at life. You are going to be under severe watch in correction, but I hope you change your ways Trice," Dann said and guards suddenly picked Trice up and that was the end of Trice's terror. However, there was one more thing left to do.

As the six souls stayed near Dann, he walked towards the destroyed palace and kneeled down. The townspeople started to form a crowd behind the him but left a great distance. Closing his eyes, the wind blew his long hair gently and a roar that was more ferocious echoed through the night air. A shadow covered the king, said the words that left everyone questioning and gasping as the moonlight revealed who had asked such a question.

"Have you fulfilled your promise?"

Chapter 8 is out now! Chapter 9 is coming soon!

A King's Promise // Dann of KingdomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora